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Auto Credit Based on NathanMikeska's Multidirectional RCS bug?

The collider generated for a 200% length Aerospike nozzle does not extend to the full length of the nozzle.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
SLS I Droo 31 8,318kg 650 km 2.87 km/s
Craft-4 Droo 1 0kg 165 km 3.51 km/s
SLS I Droo 43 18,534kg 610 km 2.91 km/s
Craft-10 Droo 1 19kg 257 km 3.19 km/s
Tutorial Droo 11 0kg 111 km 3.38 km/s
Craft-20 Droo 5 0kg 94 km 3.29 km/s
Tutorial Droo 26 58,780kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 3 7,654kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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