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    Could you look into a solar panel overhaul? This game is fantastic, but I have to say the deployable solar panels aren’t great. It’s the one thing that’s impossible to get right when replicating spacecraft. What id want is different designs for the casing of the panels, new textures to the panels (to include rectangular cells) the ability to have them unfold in a net structure rather than a ‘line’ (net being the layout of The JUICE spacecraft’s panels for example).

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    Sorry apparently I haven’t looked through thourly enough to notice it haha. Thanks @Kell

    5.9 years ago
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    The engines and analysis are awesome and highly fulfilling, great work. I suspect you’ll work on news sounds for them, but I have a good idea on inhancimg realism: as the atmosphere thinns, change the exhaust to behave differently. This is seen on rocket launches when they reach high altitudes, the pressure drops so the exaust widens.

    5.9 years ago