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    There is definitely something wrong. I now build a bigger bird, it seems to be completely fine as long as i fly a normal 200 m/s and somewhat straight. When i then try to loop and the bird stalls, the plane starts to twitch and roll uncontrollably. So far so good, might be normal unstable plane behavior looking weird through the chase camera or something. What is physically wrong is that the plane now unexplainedly starts to push towards 700 m/s despite before not really wanting to accelerate very much. Same once i hit an arbitrary speed flying vertically, even without any engine output, the plane suddenly starts wobbling, accellerrating to up to 1000 m/s and if it manages to hit some condition, probably being higher up having less air pressure, the plane is able to stabilize at 400 to 500 m/s just to trigger the issue again upon keeping flying. At some point, it will then probably crash or rip off the wings or a combination of it all.

    10 months ago