Hope everyone can have a nice day on Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s one of the most important Traditional Chinese Festivals. And I hope China, my motherland, can be better and better in her 74th year and the future.
However conditions for K-type stars are a lot more complicated, some K-type stars act like F-types when they radiate light, while some act like M-types.
Plants are probably black on M-type stars, or life could probably use geothermal energy, their sun is too weak to bring enough visible light, and sometimes it’s not stable due to unstable fusion.
@Luckwut Hmmm, makes sense, I just read an article about K type stars can be bright blue color, only stars smaller than K5V looks yellow and red to human eye.
@PanzerAerospace One thing is for sure, that is the outer planets affect on each other, Tydos should form faster, since it’s white and orange, obviously made by hydrogen and helium. Urados should form later than Tydos, since it’s further away, the matter there is more sparse. But it’s not as far as now. Because the position of Urados now is too far away.Then, Tydos could push Urados away to the outer system by gravity. Also, I forgot one thing, that is Handrew’s comet.
@PanzerAerospace but the gas giants usually formed faster than rocky planets, they collide with rocky protoplanet. As time passes they lose velocity. Then, they move into the inner system. At last, they supposed to become a hot Jupiter or a hot Neptune.
Whoa, Ukrain starts to fight back, hope you’re ok.
+5 2.6 years agoHope everyone can have a nice day on Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s one of the most important Traditional Chinese Festivals. And I hope China, my motherland, can be better and better in her 74th year and the future.
+2 1.5 years agoHowever conditions for K-type stars are a lot more complicated, some K-type stars act like F-types when they radiate light, while some act like M-types.
+2 2.2 years ago@AeroplaneBuilder 4D means we can do warps through space for going to other systems. ;)
+2 3.6 years ago@Diandrew most of us even don't have friends playing : (
+2 3.7 years agoThis
+1 1.7 years agoPlants are probably black on M-type stars, or life could probably use geothermal energy, their sun is too weak to bring enough visible light, and sometimes it’s not stable due to unstable fusion.
+1 2.2 years agoHope the war can end soon. This is getting more and more serious. The two sides and their supporters are getting crazy.
+1 2.7 years ago@PZLAgencies every winter and summer vacation
7 months agonecessary
7 months agoYes I’m here. Actually for days, I just left LA and now in DC.
8 months agoWhy today? Cuz today I got my junior high school final exam grade, enough for going into the elder high I want to go to.
1.8 years agoI’ll upload things everyday since 6.30
1.8 years agowow, cool
2.2 years ago@Luckwut Hmmm, makes sense, I just read an article about K type stars can be bright blue color, only stars smaller than K5V looks yellow and red to human eye.
2.4 years agoOh, well, I guess, okay?
2.6 years ago@Blaze77gunYT ANARCHISTS bruh.
2.7 years ago@Blaze77gunYT But CNT-FAI.
2.7 years ago@Blaze77gunYT bruh epoc
2.7 years ago@Zenithspeed just make it roughly, because it will be weird to see a perfect cube in space.
2.7 years agoCubic asteroid just for fun
2.7 years ago@JedediahTheDrooman bruh, all commies, socialists, anarchists and totalitarian commies are in the FA.
2.8 years agoSo do you have a similar exam? Just to be curiosus.
2.8 years agoMaybe you can use Brigo or something similar to make a fake gas giant.
2.9 years agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/CelestialBodies/View/caIap5/Fliese-13Ab-2-0
2.9 years agoi don't know how, but it is possible.
The leg thing is extremely useful and cool!
3.0 years ago@YaMomzBox420 Yeah, I saw it was too difficult for you 2 understand yesterday, but I was 2 busy then. So I'll re-edit it today.
3.2 years ago@plane918273645 In short cut, two guys complicate on doing things, and they get money and score.
3.2 years agoYou guys might need a SR-2 Chinese Community later this year, I think Chinese players number is increasing fast, but it mustn't be on discord.
3.2 years ago生涯模式还会再发展吗,如果不的话那我就做一个新系列
3.5 years agoWell, I think the answer of a Chinese teacher is no. (don't say im racist, im really from china)
3.5 years agowelcome back, comrade.
3.5 years agoWat you are just 13?
3.5 years ago@PanzerAerospace One thing is for sure, that is the outer planets affect on each other, Tydos should form faster, since it’s white and orange, obviously made by hydrogen and helium. Urados should form later than Tydos, since it’s further away, the matter there is more sparse. But it’s not as far as now. Because the position of Urados now is too far away.Then, Tydos could push Urados away to the outer system by gravity. Also, I forgot one thing, that is Handrew’s comet.
3.6 years ago@Twocubic makes sense, Maybe Kerbol is in that universe, too!
3.6 years ago@PanzerAerospace but the gas giants usually formed faster than rocky planets, they collide with rocky protoplanet. As time passes they lose velocity. Then, they move into the inner system. At last, they supposed to become a hot Jupiter or a hot Neptune.
3.6 years agoIs it possible that Urados pulls Tydos out from destroy the inner part of Juno system?
3.6 years ago@PanzerAerospace The real problem is how it evolve, I mean gas giants formed first then they supposed to came into the inner system.
3.6 years agoProblem Solved
3.6 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Formed by MAGIC ;)
3.6 years ago