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    How to switch the display of crafting speed from meters per second to kilometers per hour. This is relevant for aircraft and ground vehicles. Is there such a possibility? Where can I find this setting?
    iOS version. iPad Pro.

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    1. Phones don't have enough space, powerful tablets do. Let the user decide for himself what he needs. Let there be a chance to try.
    2. Importing third-party parts of the game will not break. Exchange of ready-made crafts only through the site with all the contained parts. Whoever downloads the craft will get all the parts in it.
    3. I'm not more interested in the Blender, but in Nomad Sculpt on the iPad.
    4. So far, it is inconvenient to make your own inscriptions and emblems. The game should be fun, not strain the user. Distract from problems after a hard day's work, not create problems.
    5. One-button autopilot will be useful when testing downloaded crafting or own crafting during the debugging process. Then you can create your own autopilot program.
    6. Astronauts without spacesuits? In numerous RPGs there is an option to choose the appearance of the character. Is it difficult to do in the simulator? Characters can be in glasses, masks, gloves, etc. to simplify the work of developers. But without spacesuits.

    1.4 years ago