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    @NathanMikeska Thank you so much, the TMPro.TMP_Text.GetParsedText() method worked perfectly for me :)

    5.1 years ago
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    So say I have an input box and a button.how do I get the text data from that element, whenever a button is pressed. I got a function to run when the button is pressed using .AddBuildUserInterfaceXmlAction and request.AddOnLayoutRebuiltAction and var button = IXmlLayoutController.XmlLayout.GetElementById("Button");
    I have tried grabbing the text attribute of the text element of the input box and passing it as a parameter, but it doesn't pass the text in the box unless I set it in the xml file. How can I get the updated text of that box whenever the button is pressed?

    5.1 years ago
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    Hi I see you use Game.Instance for tons of stuff like you did here for ambient light attenuation, for this you used Game.Instance.Settings.Game.Flight.AmbientLightAttenuation I saw similar strings as options instead of sliders in game but, how would I find different ones like the ships altitude for instance? Is there a text file similar to StockUserInterfaceResourceManifest.txt for stuff like this? Or am I missing something?

    edit: if you ignored it, please "update" to .net 4.7.1 framework, now at least I have auto fill in visual studio, nice to know something exists before you compile it :/

    5.5 years ago