Why Multiplayer .... Who cares why, everytime I see a multiplayer request we get loads of people whining what does it add, its pointless we dont need it.
What you are trying to say is YOU dont need it YOU dont want it.
I would love to have multiplayer just so I can meet up with my mates or kids in space, run rescue missions.
Or the most basic of all human desires, spend time with somebody, its lonely in space and I would rather be with somebody as I travel the cosmos.
The next issue is, if nobody wants this feature how come you all get fed up with it being constantly being requested !!!!
I can assure you, servers are not the problem, the community would fall over backwards to host their own servers and sadly alot of that has been lost due to games companies trying to control their servers by not allowing end users to host them, on a personal note I think that is quite sad, as it pushes people to learn new skills and understand networking a bit better :)
I have signed up simply to support this request.
Why Multiplayer .... Who cares why, everytime I see a multiplayer request we get loads of people whining what does it add, its pointless we dont need it.
What you are trying to say is YOU dont need it YOU dont want it.
I would love to have multiplayer just so I can meet up with my mates or kids in space, run rescue missions.
Or the most basic of all human desires, spend time with somebody, its lonely in space and I would rather be with somebody as I travel the cosmos.
The next issue is, if nobody wants this feature how come you all get fed up with it being constantly being requested !!!!
I can assure you, servers are not the problem, the community would fall over backwards to host their own servers and sadly alot of that has been lost due to games companies trying to control their servers by not allowing end users to host them, on a personal note I think that is quite sad, as it pushes people to learn new skills and understand networking a bit better :)
3.6 years ago