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    Thank you for getting this released in October. I don't care about bugs in the game or not. Just to get to play something new and different is what I want right now. We are headed into winter and for me this is perfect timing. Long winters in the North East US and this gives me something to look forward to do.

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    Hey, thanks Venus!
    I didn't see a release date anywhere. I am excited like everyone else.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    +1 6.2 years ago
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    Wow! That was over a year ago. I don’t even recall saying that bucket part. I do recall the picture of your ceiling.
    Since then I found faulty wiring in my house. Some idiot drilled a hole in the sink cupboard next to the drain pipe and there was a wire there with the plastic off and a scorch mark. 😳 I have replaced that wire.

    2.6 years ago
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    Make sure they add enough money to the insurance claim to cover the PS5 that burned up. ;)
    Insurance Company: Can we see a picture of the alleged PS5.
    Me: Picture of a black bucket and white bucket I burned and melted into a pile in the backyard ROFL

    3.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Come on man! Stop Teasing!!! Release it or a Beta PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!

    6.7 years ago
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    So any idea when you will be offering SimpleRockets for MacOS after the release?

    6.9 years ago
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    Will SimpleRockets 2 be a separate purchase or will it be free for those who already own SimpleRockets 1?

    7.0 years ago