@Staticalliam7 yes i had updated it, now it works, a guy in a comment of my latest craft told me to update to the newest solar system, you can check it out my craft if you want, it's an accurate replica of an X-15 being carried by a B-52, both planes are fully working and instructions are written on the craft's page
@AndrewGarrison hi andrew! omg... i cant belive that you ansewered my post! It's a huge honor for me! Jundroo is my favourite Indie team and I wanted to say thanks for the games you developed! I loved Simpleplanes and I can't wait to play simplerockets 2. (oh, i have a suggestion for simpleplanes too: it would be nice to have all the fuselage block's sides costumizable, and some multiplayer servers too).
Have a nice day and thank you for answering!
Greetings from Pisa, Italy
@AndrewGarrison i love you but PlZ ReLEaSe THe GaME
+2 6.5 years agoI love how Kevin is proud of his flip-flops
+1 6.4 years ago@Staticalliam7 yes i had updated it, now it works, a guy in a comment of my latest craft told me to update to the newest solar system, you can check it out my craft if you want, it's an accurate replica of an X-15 being carried by a B-52, both planes are fully working and instructions are written on the craft's page
3.6 years ago@Staticalliam7 it doesn't show up
3.6 years agoNo it's not.... The shuttle used solid fuel boosters for takeoff!
6.4 years ago@AndrewGarrison hi andrew! omg... i cant belive that you ansewered my post! It's a huge honor for me! Jundroo is my favourite Indie team and I wanted to say thanks for the games you developed! I loved Simpleplanes and I can't wait to play simplerockets 2. (oh, i have a suggestion for simpleplanes too: it would be nice to have all the fuselage block's sides costumizable, and some multiplayer servers too).
6.4 years agoHave a nice day and thank you for answering!
Greetings from Pisa, Italy