I will post the build tomorrow
I fixed the two main issues, now it’s sinking in the back even though the center of mass if shifted towards the front only if i set pitch to 100% it stays level
Link: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/q38cdG/Boatbroken
It didn’t work, im just gonna restart and make everything new and build a new vehicle.
@CloakPin Thank you for the information @CloakPin
I will post the build tomorrow
3 months agoI fixed the two main issues, now it’s sinking in the back even though the center of mass if shifted towards the front only if i set pitch to 100% it stays level
3 months agoLink: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/q38cdG/Boatbroken
3 months agoIt didn’t work, im just gonna restart and make everything new and build a new vehicle.
5 months ago@CloakPin Thank you for the information @CloakPin
6 months ago