It's Official. I've unlocked all of the Launch Locations, including Luna Base!
I still need to unlock the rest of the tech tree and visit another Planet, but I feel pretty good about getting this far. Super Duper.
If you haven't yet, check out my YouTube Channel, or follow me on TWITCH. I'm new to the Latter, but I think I'll start a new Career Save and do a series for noobs like me.
So I put the Buggy on a Rocket. Turns out wheels are terribly bugged. I can't keep wheels on, or keep them from affecting the rocket's trajectory even when they are in a fairing.
I've nearly found a narrow channel of success, but I've had to severely change the carefully tuned settings of my machine to hack my way through unfinished/broken code.
If I manage to figure it out, I'll post the results. If not, I'll have to find new motivation to pick up from here.
If anyone has experienced issues with wheels and knows trick and workarounds, DM me here or on Discord.
Edit: Shocks at 100 of 250, Damper 100%, wheel size 140 (from 150), wheel width (50%). TWR has to stay below 3, otherwise shocks displace wheels through... inertia? I'll make an awesome video tomorrow. The proof works well enough tonight.
I've finally made it to Brigo and Luna. After some careful planning and practice I've even managed to deliver a lunar rover!
I did struggle for a while. The first problem I had was watching the rover's wheels be ripped off the chassis due to unseen forces. This is the mission that unlocked fairings for me, so this design is open air. Turns out that a slow enough ascent takes care of most of the issues, but I also learned that the aerodynamics were affecting the spring constant as well. Weak springs meant the shocks and wheels would go bye bye. So I put spring strength and damper at 200%... that fixes it for now, but the ride's a little bouncy.
The next issue was DV. I could have sworn I had enough, then I added some Gyros. Suddenly, no DV. PSA folks- use the fuel line toggle! I managed to optimize engines and added boosters to the launcher before figuring that out, so now I don't think there's anything in this system I can't touch.
I struggled to make panels after making the frame, then I realized I could make Tris to fill the awkard sections. All in all I'm really proud and excited to continue the Journey.
I've made it to Brigo with a rover, but the footage is... It's the first. My first experience landing on a celestial in JUNO, which comes with lots of inquiry, bad camera angles, and much testing. But it's pretty cool seeing a bunch of milestones ping at once, and my rover performed very well! Although I am ready for some changes already. Probably no updates til next week.
Until then, enjoy your journey! And don't forget to check your staging!
I'm editing a mission with a fully paneled Buggy, then later the result of all of this rover practice- a rover on Brigo! (Not a big one, but it is fast!)
Well, these races are tough. So I took a break and played with rovers. Here's what I came up with for nearby deliveries- I call it Box Buddies
I felt good about my rover until I saw someone made a legit Hummer? Ok... I gotta get back to my cooler crafts...
So I'm racing, and I eventually come up with this thing that reminds me of the gunship from Nausica mixed with an F-35, but it's to small to fit a Drooman. If anyone has a name suggestion go for it. This one eludes me.
Here's Ali Air Race
And, Cutting Corners
(I wanted Cutting Corners to have in game audio, but I had an audio error during recording- hence a music overlay. I'm almost sorry)
-Used the long range version of the biplane today to grab some samples for the Professor. Thought I had some neat footage, but I fell asleep editing it, so guess not.
-Did a few more races. I'm really liking those. Getting better at them too. "Cutting Corners" is probably my favorite so far. I get really excited staying low for checkpoint 7, then climbing a bit to get a good angle to scoop out #8. Then 13 and 14 are so far away... so I get to hit 100% throttle and aim for 500m/s in the "War Games" jet because my prop planes just cant finish the race in time.
-Decided to hit a celestial other than Droo, so I aimed for what I thought would be a Luna intercept, but I ended up at Brigo. I didn't have orbit lines unlocked until after this exploratory mission, so the confusion seems Ok.
-I did manage to pack enough DV to maneuver towards a landmark and crash into the surface at under 50m/s (not enough to survive). The attempt did not yeild a landmark achievement, but I did snag some tech points for the fly-by and orbit... and promptly spent them on orbit lines.
-I want to jump into sandbox and make some epic crafts, but I feel like I'm still learning the ropes of the game. Today was just a contract grind. Not a particularly cinematic one, but it certainly felt satisfying. Maybe I'll upload a race tomorrow. The faster ones are getting pretty exciting.
This is on my shortlist of things to do
9 months agoWay cool. Thanks for putting this together!
1.3 years agoIt's Official. I've unlocked all of the Launch Locations, including Luna Base!
I still need to unlock the rest of the tech tree and visit another Planet, but I feel pretty good about getting this far. Super Duper.
If you haven't yet, check out my YouTube Channel, or follow me on TWITCH. I'm new to the Latter, but I think I'll start a new Career Save and do a series for noobs like me.
1.3 years agoAh... It feels good to land on a moon. I have some lengthier footage to comb through and edit, but this should be an acceptable teaser.
Brigo Rover
1.3 years agoSo I put the Buggy on a Rocket. Turns out wheels are terribly bugged. I can't keep wheels on, or keep them from affecting the rocket's trajectory even when they are in a fairing.
I've nearly found a narrow channel of success, but I've had to severely change the carefully tuned settings of my machine to hack my way through unfinished/broken code.
If I manage to figure it out, I'll post the results. If not, I'll have to find new motivation to pick up from here.
If anyone has experienced issues with wheels and knows trick and workarounds, DM me here or on Discord.
Edit: Shocks at 100 of 250, Damper 100%, wheel size 140 (from 150), wheel width (50%). TWR has to stay below 3, otherwise shocks displace wheels through... inertia? I'll make an awesome video tomorrow. The proof works well enough tonight.
1.3 years agoI've finally made it to Brigo and Luna. After some careful planning and practice I've even managed to deliver a lunar rover!
I did struggle for a while. The first problem I had was watching the rover's wheels be ripped off the chassis due to unseen forces. This is the mission that unlocked fairings for me, so this design is open air. Turns out that a slow enough ascent takes care of most of the issues, but I also learned that the aerodynamics were affecting the spring constant as well. Weak springs meant the shocks and wheels would go bye bye. So I put spring strength and damper at 200%... that fixes it for now, but the ride's a little bouncy.
The next issue was DV. I could have sworn I had enough, then I added some Gyros. Suddenly, no DV. PSA folks- use the fuel line toggle! I managed to optimize engines and added boosters to the launcher before figuring that out, so now I don't think there's anything in this system I can't touch.
Is it time to go interplanetary? Maybe soon...
1.4 years agoHere's the "Desert Buggy"
I struggled to make panels after making the frame, then I realized I could make Tris to fill the awkard sections. All in all I'm really proud and excited to continue the Journey.
I've made it to Brigo with a rover, but the footage is... It's the first. My first experience landing on a celestial in JUNO, which comes with lots of inquiry, bad camera angles, and much testing. But it's pretty cool seeing a bunch of milestones ping at once, and my rover performed very well! Although I am ready for some changes already. Probably no updates til next week.
Until then, enjoy your journey! And don't forget to check your staging!
1.4 years agoI have some progress... but first, the distraction-
I don't need a racing buggy. I want one. Now I'm super excited for Monster Trucks!
Here's Build a Buggy #1
Build a Buggy #2
I'm editing a mission with a fully paneled Buggy, then later the result of all of this rover practice- a rover on Brigo! (Not a big one, but it is fast!)
1.4 years agoWell, these races are tough. So I took a break and played with rovers. Here's what I came up with for nearby deliveries- I call it Box Buddies
I felt good about my rover until I saw someone made a legit Hummer? Ok... I gotta get back to my cooler crafts...
So I'm racing, and I eventually come up with this thing that reminds me of the gunship from Nausica mixed with an F-35, but it's to small to fit a Drooman. If anyone has a name suggestion go for it. This one eludes me.
Here's Ali Air Race
1.4 years agoAnd,
Cutting Corners
(I wanted Cutting Corners to have in game audio, but I had an audio error during recording- hence a music overlay. I'm almost sorry)
-Used the long range version of the biplane today to grab some samples for the Professor. Thought I had some neat footage, but I fell asleep editing it, so guess not.
-Did a few more races. I'm really liking those. Getting better at them too. "Cutting Corners" is probably my favorite so far. I get really excited staying low for checkpoint 7, then climbing a bit to get a good angle to scoop out #8. Then 13 and 14 are so far away... so I get to hit 100% throttle and aim for 500m/s in the "War Games" jet because my prop planes just cant finish the race in time.
-Decided to hit a celestial other than Droo, so I aimed for what I thought would be a Luna intercept, but I ended up at Brigo. I didn't have orbit lines unlocked until after this exploratory mission, so the confusion seems Ok.
-I did manage to pack enough DV to maneuver towards a landmark and crash into the surface at under 50m/s (not enough to survive). The attempt did not yeild a landmark achievement, but I did snag some tech points for the fly-by and orbit... and promptly spent them on orbit lines.
-I want to jump into sandbox and make some epic crafts, but I feel like I'm still learning the ropes of the game. Today was just a contract grind. Not a particularly cinematic one, but it certainly felt satisfying. Maybe I'll upload a race tomorrow. The faster ones are getting pretty exciting.
1.4 years agoOne of these days I'm going to get to Brigo and Luna, but right now I'm busy with some military contracts.
This is how I unlocked A. Li Air Base:
1.4 years ago"War Games"