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    10 months ago
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    What the f#ck is that supposed to mean?

    10 months ago
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    A true Christmas gift would make people happy, @Spitty !

    10 months ago
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    yay! A Christmas gift!

    10 months ago
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    Yes, but do you want the JNO scale or the RSS scale @RudimentaryCheezit ? I mean, I want realism, but you can choose want you want.

    10 months ago
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    Yes @starmango

    10 months ago
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    Nice. Is this your program for career mode?

    10 months ago
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    I love it.

    10 months ago
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    Can you now spell?

    10 months ago
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    Then I might just remove this post @LeMagicBaguette . Also, please do not respond to this comment.

    10 months ago
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    More of what @LeMagicBaguette ?

    10 months ago
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    Repost because of too many comments on the last one.

    10 months ago
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    Nice @Zenithspeed

    10 months ago
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    Well, I believed that you actually had a good one. Now I am confused. I mean, I sometimes use my 7 year old iPad and it sometimes lag. But one more question @Zenithspeed , when you delete Asphalt 8, is it true that it will free up some memory?

    10 months ago
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    As I have said before @BmnkRocketIndustries , only the people that I select may have access.

    10 months ago
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    Everyone has something special @BmnkRocketIndustries . Please stop filling the comments with unnecessary comments. I will refuse the idea of giving EA if you continue. Just wait for me until I say you can. Remember, I made it so I have full control of it, even do what I want. If I say no, you can ask when it is going to open again or wait for it to be public, or you can just move on.

    10 months ago
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    and asking me to just give it to you just because you want is unacceptable @BmnkRocketIndustries . You are being entitled, and I do not like that.

    10 months ago
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    Listen, I am not going to give you early access today or in a few days, unless I see something special from you @BmnkRocketIndustries . I like your persistence, but early access is something that is meant to be earned, and if someone did not earn it, I can still select that person as a tester. In shorter terms, you aren’t getting early access any time soon.

    10 months ago
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    Well @BmnkRocketIndustries , I do not see you as a good-good planet maker. I mean, you do make some decent planets, but I prefer if you try doing new things. @AlphaAreospace learned how to make clouds, @heitorM is getting better and better and planet making, but for you, I do not know what am I supposed to see. I mean, I see no change at all, even in your crafts. Yes, they are decent, but that does not fit my criteria. If you wonder why some selected people get early access, it is because they have something special. @AlphaAreospace and @heitorM are learning how to make better planets, @SillyBillih is also doing good, but I do not see something special in you @BmnkRocketIndustries ... YET...

    10 months ago
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    You are not eligible @BmnkRocketIndustries . Basically, My answer is no. I do not want to turn you down, but you lack some things I normally expect from people I can trust. Me and @Seeya have been friends for like, 2 months, and he is a good planet maker, plus the fact he has a good computer means he can run my TFF stuff quite well. @Zenithspeed has a good iPad and the fact he is also a good planet maker also makes him eligible. Even @heitorM is eligible too because he is also my friend, he is putting a lot of his effort into making planets and is simply a good guy. If you want to apply for early access, I recommend that you can show me what you are truly capable of, or showing what you are good at. I might consider it, but for now... no.

    10 months ago
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    Listen, just please stop asking me to do everything for you. I already said not now, and I have so many things to work on. Just, give me some peace, please. I do not mean to offend you @BMNK , but I want you to know that I am not a tool for you.

    10 months ago
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    No @BmnkRocketIndustries , not now.

    10 months ago
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    Andreas has one of the strongest magnetic fields in the K-T Binary system. It also explains why it has such large auroras. Sunburns are possible on any habitable world in the K-T Binary system, but depending on the planet you can get them faster or slower. But you are right @Spitty .

    10 months ago
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    No @Spitty , Andreas lies within the habitable zone. Plus, Kaotetra is smaller and cooler than Sol.

    10 months ago
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    My pleasure @AlphaAreospace . I am working on one for beginners, so if you need more help, you can watch that one. It is in WIP

    10 months ago
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    I like your website.

    10 months ago
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    Its ok @heitorM . Its just, this week is exams week for me, so I am under a lot of stress. I do make the stars using the star template, but I don't use the "Color Gradient", which is just the renaming of Debbug-Visualize. Plus, it looks ugly with that. I use cellular noise FYI

    10 months ago
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    Just use the subbiomes @heitorM

    10 months ago
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    10 months ago
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    You should try getting a PC. Life is much easier when using a PC to make planets and star system.

    10 months ago
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    10 months ago
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    What color gradient tab? I make star’s different from the way y’all do. I use the subbiomes and basic arithmetics. In the atmosphere and terrain color, I change some values. In the Max Color value, I set it 7+

    10 months ago
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    I set mine to 7+ max color. @LeMagicBaguette

    10 months ago
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    I increased the max color value @Zenithspeed

    10 months ago
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    Thank you @Luckwut for teaching me how to make the stars better.

    10 months ago
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    Joking about what @BMNK ?

    10 months ago
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    If you are not going to post that much, then why did you suddenly start posting again?

    10 months ago
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    He edited the system file. That is how I set distances for the exostars. @heitorM

    10 months ago
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    So it did work @heitorM ?

    10 months ago
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    Have you tried running RSS on your phone @heitorM ?

    10 months ago
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    The Silly System

    10 months ago
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    I wouldn't say "real solar system". It is kind of a cash grab since if you want to get any other cool stuff, you need to buy DLC's. Even to get the REST of the Solar System. But yeah, JNO is better than SFS @SillyBillih

    10 months ago
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    NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD STOP, just saying that I kinda find it odd that it is 2d.

    10 months ago
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    Also, I like your channel. Though for a reason, I do not like sfs.

    10 months ago
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    I do not @Zenithspeed . I only play it on my crappy old tablet.

    10 months ago
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    Not for one planet, 80+ Celestial bodies are in Eissendral. I also love Terraria @Zenithspeed . I assume we have some things in common.

    10 months ago
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    Fine by me @Zenithspeed . I do not want you to do anything just for Eissendrall, since I want it to be fun and interesting to explore.

    10 months ago
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    But why @BMNK ?

    10 months ago
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    Sadly, they did delete SimpleGalaxy. But don’t worry @heitorM , at least we have Stellar Neighborhood?

    10 months ago
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    Is it because you lost someone, @BMNK ? Someone... important?

    10 months ago