@sentinelaerospace simple?
iSpace got a 16000(16tonne) rocket which revolutionedthe sr2 in yt the rocket costs 40 million if not reused
Mine: 20000(20tonne) rocket
Cost: 14 million if not reused
Update number1: manually tried to land booster on droneship it splashed on water just 500m away.
I forgot that droo spins lol😅
So I landed 500m away from droneship at 30 m/sec between launch pad and droneship
what inspired you to build planes?
3.9 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace yes I said that but I am saying it as live for business lol
3.9 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace ok
3.9 years agoBut can't watch live I think
I may see
@Ankanboss Thanks
3.9 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace
3.9 years agoNice!
3.9 years agoWhat rocket?
@HermesE ok
3.9 years agoHow?
3.9 years ago@HermesE thanks
3.9 years agoMAHAKAYA!(meaning-huge and strong. Thanks for iAEROSPACE )
3.9 years agoA 20 tonne medium lift rocket
Comming soon
Testing going on.
We have reusable thing too!
3.9 years agoBut sadly no vizzy for now😭
@Freeskyaerospace ok
3.9 years agoYou need my brand new rocket?
3.9 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace don't be worried I will make a rocket with that name!
3.9 years agoMy sister voted mahakaya lol
3.9 years agoSo Mahakaya wins!!!
@iAEROSPACE mahakaya, @AshtvinayakAerospace akash
3.9 years agoHas been qualified!
Vote their comments to keep the name!
@Thesaturnaerospace the announcer is not responding lol
3.9 years ago@sentinelaerospace simple?
3.9 years agoiSpace got a 16000(16tonne) rocket which revolutionedthe sr2 in yt the rocket costs 40 million if not reused
Mine: 20000(20tonne) rocket
Cost: 14 million if not reused
@Jayceafton lol
3.9 years agoBut not always I am working on a vizzy version too
Update number1: manually tried to land booster on droneship it splashed on water just 500m away.
3.9 years agoI forgot that droo spins lol😅
So I landed 500m away from droneship at 30 m/sec between launch pad and droneship
@ab3 that's nice let us wait for more name!
3.9 years agoSneak peek will be updated!
3.9 years ago@Jayceafton welcome!
3.9 years agoI am doing a 20 tonne medium lift rocket!
So stay tuned 😁
@Jayceafton ok here
3.9 years ago@Jayceafton I have made one here
3.9 years agoCheck it out!
Need any change?
Or heavy version?
Ask me
@Jayceafton ohh send up?
3.9 years agoI can give you rockets!
Missions to space may be soon!
@VosAerospace ohh I understood
3.9 years ago@jrzspace ok
4.0 years ago@HermesE see my rideshare forum and my website so you may understand
4.0 years ago@AreszX yes!
4.0 years agoNice!
4.0 years agoYouTube vid may delay due to my recorder app it will be fixed and it will be posted in sr2 website too from next month
4.0 years agowebsite
4.0 years agoI made one (Jupiter 5) capable of lifting 200 tonnes!
4.0 years agoI didn't like the dim atmosphere, the terrain that was there was no icy mountain nearby
4.0 years agovery nice 👍
4.0 years agoIt would be amazing but we have some beep sounds only so we need very precise accuracy to make one
4.0 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace ok
4.0 years agoWhat solutions?
4.0 years ago@ESSARR so you need heavy other planets mission
4.0 years agoSo do you need sats?
@Freeskyaerospace oh ok
4.0 years agoDeattachable wings? Cool!
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace thanks
4.0 years ago😓
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace it changes the size not shape
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace ok
4.0 years agoVery nice!
4.0 years agohere
4.0 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace automatic rockets
4.0 years ago