@Toinkove hey, sorry about the late response. While I appreciate the effort, using a default gyro did not work at some locations. It seems to be when I activate the rocket engine that it starts to mess up. When initially spawning the craft works fine, but as soon as I activate the fuel line it does its undesirable behavior. Even with default engines too.
@VipingViper16 @Toinkove I am using it for orientation, but the problem is at some spawn points or resuming flights it rolls too fast and pitches too slowly and becomes uncontrollable. It acts like the maxAcceleration is set to 0 at some spawns when it set to 1. The example spacecraft I am trying to use to help me troubleshoot this is linked below. Launching of the launchpad or the runways, and the gyro has different behaviors for example.
@VectronTechnologies @VectronTechnologies It is attached to a fuel tank part and a rocket engine. The craft I am using as an example is linked in the comments.
@Toinkove hey, sorry about the late response. While I appreciate the effort, using a default gyro did not work at some locations. It seems to be when I activate the rocket engine that it starts to mess up. When initially spawning the craft works fine, but as soon as I activate the fuel line it does its undesirable behavior. Even with default engines too.
18 days ago@VipingViper16 @Toinkove I am using it for orientation, but the problem is at some spawn points or resuming flights it rolls too fast and pitches too slowly and becomes uncontrollable. It acts like the maxAcceleration is set to 0 at some spawns when it set to 1. The example spacecraft I am trying to use to help me troubleshoot this is linked below. Launching of the launchpad or the runways, and the gyro has different behaviors for example.
25 days ago@VectronTechnologies @VectronTechnologies It is attached to a fuel tank part and a rocket engine. The craft I am using as an example is linked in the comments.
25 days agoTake this test craft here:
26 days agohttps://www.simplerockets.com/c/LTaLGw/A1-2