Docking with another craft that has a crew comparment or a capsule.
Simply select your own crew select move and if there's any available space that the crew can stay it will glow up blueish.
Then click and simply select move.
@DrooianSpaceAgency Bro we Don't Care about you, we both know that your doing this on purpose..
@DrooianSpaceAgency idk? why so don't ask me
@hojit83 Wtf this is a GAME NOT A ADVERTISING AREA
Docking with another craft that has a crew comparment or a capsule.
Simply select your own crew select move and if there's any available space that the crew can stay it will glow up blueish.
Then click and simply select move.
one month ago@DrooianSpaceAgency Bro we Don't Care about you, we both know that your doing this on purpose..
3 months ago@DrooianSpaceAgency idk? why so don't ask me
3 months ago@hojit83 Wtf this is a GAME NOT A ADVERTISING AREA
5 months ago