I played both Juno and KSP.
I played KSP on RO/RSS modpack, which was a great experience, but it maked the game load very long and crashed my game a few times. Also, there are only engines that existed in real, so unless you are a modder, you need to recreate real life spacecraft and rockets.
Juno offers much more than I firstly thought, the loading time and lag is much smaller, and proceduralism is just epic. The downside is it's nostalgic atmosphere, not the best special effect and mods are not that epic as in KSP.
Honestly I don't know which game is better, I recommend to play both.
In most Soviet engines verniers are not separate small engines, but just auxiliary combustion chambers, that share the same turbopump as the main combustion chamber. RD-107 may look like 8 rocket engines, but in real it's just one turbopump with 8 combustion chambers. Howewer, N-1 did not use verniers.
Space shuttle with working interior, auto ascent and auto descent.
3 months ago@KirRu That was still not enough and N-1 suffered roll stability problem, but in Juno I did not encounter this problem.
+1 11 months ago@Dereric, Sorry for my mistake, I confused RD-107 with RD-108.
11 months agoI played both Juno and KSP.
+2 11 months agoI played KSP on RO/RSS modpack, which was a great experience, but it maked the game load very long and crashed my game a few times. Also, there are only engines that existed in real, so unless you are a modder, you need to recreate real life spacecraft and rockets.
Juno offers much more than I firstly thought, the loading time and lag is much smaller, and proceduralism is just epic. The downside is it's nostalgic atmosphere, not the best special effect and mods are not that epic as in KSP.
Honestly I don't know which game is better, I recommend to play both.
How to take part in your RP?
one year ago@Zenithspeed
+1 one year agoIn most Soviet engines verniers are not separate small engines, but just auxiliary combustion chambers, that share the same turbopump as the main combustion chamber. RD-107 may look like 8 rocket engines, but in real it's just one turbopump with 8 combustion chambers. Howewer, N-1 did not use verniers.