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    Will hydrogen balloons appear in the future? I think we can improve the operation and animation of the parachute by adding a fuel tank and simply giving a negative mass multiplied by air density to simulate buoyancy in the air. Each deployment requires the consumption of liquid hydrogen. I hope to use balloons to create real airships, achieving more weight saving and realistic splashes, and even the landing of real Spirit MER-A and Opportunity MER-B.

    +2 11 months ago
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    1.1 years ago
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    Hope that the strut can have a hollowed out style similar to that of the soyuz-interstage, which can save a lot of parts when the bracket is needed(›´ω`‹ )

    1.8 years ago
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    Can the new propeller easily surpass Mach10 like the old ?( 'ω' )

    1.8 years ago