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    @Kell now I understand what your program does, however this way the rocket ended up in a 120 - 90 km orbit, instead of the target 80 km. It is a simple solution, however its not really accurate.
    BTW your program looks cool, and is quite universal.

    5.1 years ago
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    @Kell this does not really solve the problem. Imagine you need 1000 DeltaV to circularize, the current stage has 500, and the stage after that has 2500. If I only burn the first stage, as your program would, I will not even get into orbit. If I ditch the first stage, I waste 500 deltaV. If I burn through both stages (as my program currently does), and TWR of the stages differs significantly, the burn will be very inaccurate. I'm looking for a solution, that takes into account the TWR difference of the two stages, as well as the time needed to stage and ignite the second engine.
    I believe, KSP did it somehow with its manuever nodes, but it might use more information than you can currently read from Vizzy.

    5.1 years ago