@TronicOrbital yeah, there is a career mode coming up soon, they even added the button for it!
if you look at ksp's version below 1.0 and its current version you can see how far it has come, same thing is gonna happen for sr2 too in a few years or maybe months if the development team grows in size by a few times
@Toinkove the lack of scientific parts is the biggest con for me in sr2 but all parts being procedural is the biggest pro, for ksp career mode and large amount of mods is the biggest pro with the parts barely being editable is the very big con and the reason i prefer sr2 over ksp.
@Luckwut for no reaSon my account got hackEd aNd they starteD posting tHese, thEse transLate to something very cryiPtic but it could be a Nuclear bOmb launch passWord.
what the Hell is happEning to my account, this account was supposed to be a throwaway for a simpLe question, but someone hacked me for no reason and stated to Post random codes and links, what the hell is happening?
@CORC the first thing peapole think is ''Alternate Reality Game?'' i know these but its impossible i can make one, this is not arg but i think DNE EHT TON is ''NOT THE END'' words and letters backwards.
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar all rules are important but 3 and 5 is the most important
+1 2.3 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar rule 3 is as important as 5
+1 2.3 years ago@MarvinAeroDynamics its a void because these rules are ''unwritten'' rules
+1 2.3 years ago@TronicOrbital i will try eating a meat sandwich instead i hopethat works
+1 2.3 years ago@TronicOrbital yeah, there is a career mode coming up soon, they even added the button for it!
if you look at ksp's version below 1.0 and its current version you can see how far it has come, same thing is gonna happen for sr2 too in a few years or maybe months if the development team grows in size by a few times
+1 2.4 years ago@Toinkove the lack of scientific parts is the biggest con for me in sr2 but all parts being procedural is the biggest pro, for ksp career mode and large amount of mods is the biggest pro with the parts barely being editable is the very big con and the reason i prefer sr2 over ksp.
+1 2.4 years ago@Luckwut ok
2.3 years ago@Luckwut i dont think anyone can stop a nuclear blast
2.3 years ago@Luckwut for no reaSon my account got hackEd aNd they starteD posting tHese, thEse transLate to something very cryiPtic but it could be a Nuclear bOmb launch passWord.
2.3 years agoit happend again
2.3 years agoNot again
2.3 years agowhat the Hell is happEning to my account, this account was supposed to be a throwaway for a simpLe question, but someone hacked me for no reason and stated to Post random codes and links, what the hell is happening?
2.3 years ago@CORC anothEr thiNg! its now a link, they hackeD me again.
2.3 years ago@CORC and link is imgur link With a qr code and more codes, my pHone is broken so i cant scan it, if You have a phone please help.
2.3 years ago@CORC it gives a link if i decode 64.
2.3 years ago@CORC the first thing peapole think is ''Alternate Reality Game?'' i know these but its impossible i can make one, this is not arg but i think DNE EHT TON is ''NOT THE END'' words and letters backwards.
2.3 years ago.. / -.. --- -. - / .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. / .--. --- ... - .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / .. / .... .- ...- . / -. --- / .. -.. . .- / .-- .... .- - / - .... .. ... / .. ... / -... ..- - / - .... .. ... / -- .. --. .... - / -... . / .- / -... .- ... . / -.... ....- / -.-. --- -.. . --..-- / ... --- -- . --- -. . / .... .- -.-. -.- . -.. / -- -.-- / .- -.-. -.-. --- ..- -. - / .- -. -.. / .--. --- ... - . -.. / - .... .. ... / .- -. -.. / -.-. .... .- -. --. . -.. / -- -.-- / -... .. --- / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ... / -.-. .- -. / ... --- -- . --- -. . / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / ... --- .-.. ...- . / - .... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--..
2.3 years ago64
2.3 years ago@SupremeDorian ok
2.3 years ago@SupremeDorian ok me no suicide also do you see peapole like me a lot?
2.3 years ago@SupremeDorian if i dont post something in one week this means im dead
2.3 years ago@CaptinD2 somewhere between 0 seconds to 9999999 years
2.3 years ago@CaptinD2 a human made it and its somewhere in this site
2.3 years ago@CaptinD2 no, but i know who made it
2.3 years ago@CaptinD2 a crane that has a long arm and a rope and probably some wheels
2.3 years ago@Plasma01 apperantly they ''cant process these type of payments currently'', same error for 4 years! they still cant ''proccess payments''
2.3 years ago@Plasma01 oh, but steam doesnt let me buy it even when i have money
2.3 years ago@Plasma01 i had the money to get the game but steam couldnt let me buy it so i got it o freesteamgames
2.3 years ago@TronicOrbital after 48 hours my meat sandwich is done, i ate it and it didnt work. Which sandwich i can try now?
2.3 years ago@SupremeDorian i will try
2.3 years ago@TronicOrbital it didnt work
2.3 years ago@SupremeDorian suiciide preventiion not helping
2.3 years ago@TronicOrbital ok
2.3 years ago@Plasma01 same error
2.3 years ago@Plasma01 this
2.4 years ago@plane918273645 it says '' cant connect to the desstnination host ''
2.4 years ago@Plasma01 ok thanks but i tried this too and it doesnt work too
2.4 years ago@Plasma01 laptop
2.4 years ago@SamTheFox oh shh-
2.4 years ago@TronicOrbital ok
2.4 years ago@TronicOrbital how a lot of advertisments makes it a blessing disguise? i dont see any ads because i have like 10 ad blockers on
2.4 years ago@Zenithspeed ok
2.4 years ago@SupremeDorian ok
2.4 years agoİ FİNALLY FİNİSHED SATELLITE AFTER 45 MINUTES (it has 35 parts and its named it painsat-finallysat) thats how painfull it was to build it
2.4 years ago@HORIZONSPACEUK it has juno twice and your name
2.4 years agoi slammed on keyboard for the name but i found a curse word in it omg
2.4 years ago@HORIZONSPACEUK
2.4 years ago@Zenithspeed i got the game on pc so i can use mods so now i can use mods
2.4 years agoand i got it
2.4 years ago