I've been thinking about SR2 needing refueling. This isn't another suggestion about being able to easily refuel by drilling rocks. I think SR2 should make certain fuels able to be obtained in certain environments.
Example 1: in game, Taurus is referred to as having lakes of liquid methane. If there are lakes of methane, users should be able to use those lakes to refill methane fuel tanks.
Example 2: In real life, Gas giants have atmospheres of helium and hydrogen. Sure, it's still gas, so it would take longer to fully fill Hydrogen and Helium tanks.
Example 3: in the stock game, there is a resource that is a bit more rare: water. There are two planets (that I know of) that have liquid water on their surfaces: Droo and Nebra. While it might be counterintuitive to refill water tanks on Droo, it might be useful to refill them on Nebra. There might be water ice on other planets though, so that is the only scenario where drills may be useful. Now, you may be asking "Well, how would the game know what fuel to refill?" Well I have an answer for you! In PlanetStudio, there could be a subsetting for the water settings, that allows you to choose if the "water" is a liquid fuel or actual water. Similarly for gas giants, there could be an atmospheric setting that tells the game what tanks can be refilled.
Now, you may be asking "well, if we added this, how would the player refill the tanks?" Well, I propose the addition of four new parts:
1. Refuel Valve: a special fuel valve, that if submerged in liquid, will fill a separate fuel tank with the fuel or water.
2. "Raw Fuel" tank. This could be a new type of fuel tank, that takes the fuel from valves and other sources, and stores it until it can be made usable.
3. Fuel Inlet: this could be a separate setting for inlets or a whole new part. A refuel inlet, would be a special type of inlet that can pull the fuel gasses out of the atmospheres of gas giants, and store it in the afore mentioned raw Fuel tanks.
4. Purifier: a special (albeit heavy) part, that can take raw Fuel from raw Fuel tanks, and makes it useable, and able to be put into regular fuel tanks. As to not make it too easy, the purifier could be
A: heavy and big, and
B: uses a lot of electricity.

If you have read all the way to the end of this, Thank You!! If you upvote this, I thank you even more! If you do or don't upvote this, please try to think of questions to ask me. I want people to try and ask questions, because I want to try and answer them, in order to refine this idea even more, and to make this suggestion as rock solid, and polished as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this sprawling text to it's entirety.

IMPORTANT EDIT: So, me being stupid, I forgot to add something to this. There was another part idea: An H2/O2 generator. What this would do, is turn water, into hydrogen/hydrolox but would use large amounts of energy. For every 2kg's of water, it would generate 1kg of Hydrolox.

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    4,038 Dawon

    Please reply to this comment if you have any suggestions or questions.

    Pinned 4.0 years ago
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    2 eekee

    This is my favourite refueling proposal I've ever seen, neither too simple nor too complex. I'm saying this as a player who, in a certain other game, started to develop refueling infrastructure as my first goal after getting to orbit. It's that important to me.

    On the other hand, Juno already offers a lower-lag alternative. Very much unlike a certain other game with little green goofballs, Juno offers the option to create launchsites with the Save Location button. I could create a "factory" ship with models of ISRU equipment, send it to a source site such as Nebra or Taurus, create a launchsite where it lands, and recover it. When needed, I can launch it at that site full of fuel, and have it deliver to an orbiting craft.

    +1 11 months ago
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    @Socraticat yeah actually we could build a working mining station for refueling,and i could make it into payload somehow,but it's cool anyway

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    I really like the idea of lunar gas stations, so I like the idea of drilling into rocks. But this take is cool too. It's more realistic, it gives purpose to planets, and it highly complicates the type of tests I'll want to do to make cool spacecraft.

    But maybe, just maybe, can we give some of the smaller rocks some dense frozen bits for mining?

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    This is probably one of the only things that could give this game some purpose and I'm gonna shoot it to the devs straight. 2 years of building something amazingly detailed and functional only to land on a planet, take a screenshot, walk around slowly, and save and exit. I mean you've created a video game that allows you to create nearly anything and go pretty much anywhere, totally freely, only to do absolutely nothing. I love this game and I most likely will not stop playing for many more years, and I understand how small the Dev team may be, but this is something everyone would love and a lot of people have asked for and there has been no word on whether or not its being considered, meanwhile other things with less upvotes are already planned. In my opinion, if there is no serious consideration or planning for this, then that is just so damn disappointing. If there is, I'm sorry for sounding so rude. Regardless, thank you devs for all the clear hard work put into this game over the years, it is still amazing.

    +5 1.3 years ago
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    6,788 DMCcorp


    +1 1.9 years ago
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    2,186 SmarsoAero

    170 votes…….. and still active

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    3.0 years ago
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    @SumoSasquatch85 Late reply, but "Active" means it's been seen by one of the developers and placed as an active suggestion. Doesn't mean it's planned, though.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,038 Dawon

    @pedro16797 this suggestion isn't listed as "submitted" anymore, does that mean it's been denied?

    3.2 years ago
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    3.2 years ago
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    4,038 Dawon

    @StarshotSpaceCo why thank you! This did take a decent bit to type. Lmao

    3.4 years ago
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    4,038 Dawon

    @Zenithspeed I agreed. It would be nice to have refueling bases on distant planets, so that you can send bigger payloads back to drop, or send them further away

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    as a methalox "main", being able to refuel on Taurus (one of my favorite celestial bodies in the stock system next to Nebra and Vulco) would be amazing, hope the devs add this!

    3.5 years ago
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    4,038 Dawon

    @NebulaSpaceAgency yeah. Imagine a deep space refueling station orbiting Tydos, with tons of atmospheric scoopships

    3.6 years ago
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