- Added "No Doors" and "One Door" options to Cargo Bay part styles.
- Added two new slider inputs.
- Added Field of View slider to the Screenshot dialog.
- Changed minimum Field of View to 20 degrees.
- Added Field of View setting to the camera part.
- Added variable zoom to camera part using Input Controllers.
- Removed Stability Modifier from Advanced Part Properties. It is now only configurable by editing the XML attribute.
- Display activation groups with assigned names even if they are unused when a Vizzy program is present.
- Added "utilization" attribute to FuelTank modifier to allow overriding the default fuel tank utilization percentage.
- Added Craft Side option for wings so the player can override the automatic behavior of inverting airfoil and flipping pitch inputs when a wing is connected to the right side of the craft.
Stock System
- Added 14 new terrain textures
- Improved the biome distributions in Droo
- Improved the colors of Droo and Luna
- Tweaked Droo atmospheric shaders to get a more intense blue sky
- Added Ground Detail textures
- Added a new terrain texture
- Updated the textures of all the Celestial Bodies
- Improved the biome distributions, colors, and terrain in some of the Celestial Bodies
- Updated the default skybox
- Increased far clip plane of scaled space camera to allow viewing further, which is useful when using very small FOVs for player-made telescopes/cameras.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where ground detail textures would not use faded mipmaps in flight.
- Fixed an issue where all ground detail texture references would be removed from a planet's XML, even if they were being used.
- Improved auto-staging.
- Fixed a bug where the Vizzy boolean icon did not have transparent edges.
- Fixed a bug where the "contains" expression did not have angled corners to indicate it is a boolean expression.
- Fixed SR2 logo loading screen from going off edges of the screen.
- Fixed a bug where loading screens would not be scaled correctly after changing the User Interface Scale in the settings.
- Improved an issue where crafts lose their fuselage smoothing during flight.
- Improved precision of part positions when saving craft in the designer.
- Fixed a bug where the "convert to lat/long/AGL" Vizzy expression would not work correctly below the defined radius of a waterless planet.
- Fixed a bug where wing physics could change after retracting the landing gear, which causes a drag recalculation.
- Improved an issue where wheel physics parameters would change when switching between craft or when activating a stage.
- Fixed a bug where engine distortion particle would emit at odd angles at high altitudes.
- Fixed a bug where wheels connected to a joint rotator could cause the craft to fly.
- Improved roll responsiveness for multi-directional RCS when placed on a very slanted fuselage.
- Fixed the designer performance analyzer for jet engines to match the actual performance in flight.
- Fixed a bug caused by using the astronaut's attach point for something other than a crew compartment (ie - a hang glider).
- Fixed a bug to prevent calculating jet engine thrust with a compressor pressure ratio of < 1.
- Fixed a bug where the target box would freeze in the middle of the screen when changing the player craft when a target was selected.
- Fixed a bug where wings and structural panels would lose their transparency when re-loading or entering flight.
- Fixed bug where Vector3.SignedAngle would return zero when the angle was exactly 180 degrees.
- Fixed a bug where the game would fail to update map view icons when a structure was targeted and the mouse was hovering over the player's orbit.
- Fixed a bug where the parachute did not display the correct drag value in the part inspector in flight.
- Fixed a bug where Vizzy would always execute an else-if instruction if it was preceded by at least one comment.
- Fixed a bug where the Komodo Capsule would always burn its engines for a split second when entering flight for the first time.
- Fixed a bug with methods that have a different argument and return types in mobile FT.
- Fixed a bug with constants in Vizzy not splicing token list properly
- Recalculate body inertia tensors during flight.
- Fixed a bug where cargo bay doors with Start Open enabled would not appear open in the main menu.
- Fixed a bug where planets would look terrible when viewed from very far away with a very small FOV.
- Fixed a bug where the launch location would not save correctly over a drone ship.
- Fixed a bug where texture widgets could not be destroyed on the MFD.
- Fixed a bug where the mass of the doorless cargo bay was the same as a normal cargo bay.
- Fixed a bug where existing cameras would not work if their Variable Zoom.
- Restore FOV after exiting screenshot dialog.
- Fixed a bug where the single-door cargo bay would not mirror correctly.
- Added Star Brightness setting to adjust the brightness of the background stars.
- Disabled space dust particle system in map view.
- Fixed a bug where the single-door cargo bay would not open.
- Fixed a bug where the astronaut would try to use the wrong FOV when zooming in.
- Fixed a bug where the astronaut could not attach the tether to some structures at DSC.
- Fixed a bug where the sun flare was visible through structures.
- Fixed a bug where control surfaces would not support Slider 3 or Slider 4.
- Fixed a bug where the game could get into an endless loading screen after switching crafts via Vizzy.
- Fixed a bug where a " ." character sequence in a sandbox name would cause the download to fail.
- Fixed a bug where the reflections of the stars in water would not update as the planet rotated.
- Fade water reflections as camera altitude increases.
- Fixed a bug where star skybox can be seen during the day when resuming flight on mobile.
- Fixed a bug where batteries were included in the wet mass calculation.
- Fixed a bug where the astronaut's first-person view could not be rotated with the mouse on PC.
@andrewgarrison how can i change fuel tank utilization?