This list of features has been greatly condensed. It includes changes implemented over a year and intertwined with other updates. They aren't as clean as per usual but we have tried our best to make them as readable and coherent as possible. Enjoy the reading :)

1.0 Update


  • Added Career Mode!

    • Added a suite of contracts presented by Buck Marshall, Prof van Pricklespac, Chuck Schafer, and Evelyn Shotwell

    • Added a Tech Tree with support for parts, properties, and styles to be unlocked

    • Added Milestones and Landmarks to compel exploration and promote building a wide variety of vehicles

    • Added Payload and Craft based contracts, capable of spawning any craft anywhere

    • All of these are defined through XML files fully customizable, allowing for custom contracts, customers, stellar systems, and tech trees with very in-depth tools that will let you do anything from having custom payloads, spawning crafts, having custom launch locations… We will try to document it in the future, but of course, the existing stock career mode can be used for reference

  • New tutorials

    • Added a series of designer and flight tutorials integrated into the stock career mode contracts

    • Added support for custom flight tutorials, highlighting UI elements and requiring certain inputs from the player

  • Added a village in the mountains with an inclined runway, to provide a better sense of scale and invite players into landing with care, learning by force to come down slowly and well aligned
  • Added a flight log

    • Added an actual wood log as the icon. Best feature ever

    • Removed the “Target Unset” message in flight so it doesn't spam the screen when players update targets per frame with vizzy

    • Added two lines of displayed text to prevent important warnings from being removed by Vizzy displays and other less important messages

    • Dynamically update the information shown in the log to, for example, update the damage a part has taken without creating extra messages

    • Bundle damage and explosion messages together so they say how many parts were affected instead of just the last one


Tweaks to parts

  • Added a new system for doing version control in modifiers, ensuring old crafts have less chance of breaking when things change and making career validation easier
  • Auto-adjust the scale of the attach points based on the size of the part in order to ease fiddling with small parts
  • Tweaks and improvements to the wheels

    • Added a 5-second transition between concrete and offroad to prevent sudden changes in forces causing jerky behavior

    • Tweaked the range at which skid marks show up in concrete

    • Added a more in-depth price calculation for the wheels (gains to be tweaked)

    • Allow for 0 torque wheels

    • Added support for an rpm input controller for the wheels

    • Added the max rpm and top speed to the performance analyzer

    • Made torque and gear ratio depending on the style of the wheel

    • Added the power consumption and frictions of the wheel to the performance analyzer and the power to the inspector panel

    • Tweaked torque more, braking power, increased the gear ratio range, and reduced the turning angle, updating the designer parts to match these changes

    • Reduced the torque of the wheels, especially when they are small, and included the torque in the mass calculation

    • Changed the order of elements in the wheel parameters and removed "Advanced" from the name of its settings so it doesn't look as scary

    • Ensure the torque direction in wheels is updated when reversing it in the designer so the animation is properly updated

    • Added an rpm input to the wheel by default

    • Increased the diversity in grips between the wheels

    • Moved the wheel turning angle to the bottom of its panel

    • Changed inertiaTensorBaseScale from 100 to 5 on the wheels, substantially improving their stability and hopefully fixing the multiple bug reports about wobbly wheels

    • Force up vector of rover wheel to be global up when attaching to a surface attach point so they steer in the proper plane

  • Wings and fins

    • Added a new airfoil for the fins that is a lot more stable on rockets and removed the airfoil selector

    • Improved the precision of the physics calculations

    • Skip physics calculations when at very low speeds to improve performance

    • Changed the wing designer part to use semi-symmetric by default

    • Let the leading and trailing gizmos move the tip position

    • Reduced the min length to better support sounding rockets

    • Changed the color of the gizmo for thickness to orange so it better matches fuselages and looks less confusing

  • Gyroscopes

    • Added a max acceleration parameter that replaces the spool-up time, although less realistic this is more user friendly

    • Added a smart control that accounts for the inertia mass of the craft to have more precise torques applied and reduce the likelihood of overshooting on OP gyroscopes

  • Command disc

    • Changed command pod property sorting to make it more user friendly

    • Show the battery and gyro info in the in-flight inspector for the disc

    • Hide the gyro and fuselage in the command disc properties for clarity

    • Renamed the command pod properties to hopefully make their function more obvious

  • Solar panels and solar arrays

    • Tweaks to the solar panel efficiencies and prices

    • Refactored how solar panels calculate their efficiency and style

  • Docking ports

    • Added crossfeed capabilities to the docking ports, similar to those of interstages

    • Added a camera vantage on the docking ports

    • Added a magnet force slider and changed how the force over-time gain is calculated in flight

    • Added a property for the players to scale the magnetic force of a docking port

    • Added scale support for the docking port

    • Only dock with ports of the same size

  • Misc

    • Bumped up the max RPM of the electric motors to 2k

    • Made the intensity of the lights increase with their size

    • Reduced the base scale of the RTG

    • Made batteries less explosive

    • Added more variety to the explosiveness of the different fuels

    • Improved the price and mass calculation of pretty much all the parts

    • Improved the power consumption calculation of most of the parts that use power

    • Added None fuel type. Changed default fuel type for fuselage and nose cone designer parts to None

    • Added the autoactivation switch to the additional part settings panel

    • Removed the fuel adapter from the part list

    • Changed the camera part so it is included in the drag calculations

  • Part inputs

    • Hide some input controllers when they aren't necessary, like wheel steering when the angle is set to 0

    • Added an intensity input by default for the beacon instead of a slider, so it's easier for them to make brake lights

    • Added 'Brake' to the default list of input controller options

A new Interface

  • Remade the main menu, making Planet Studio and Mods more prominent in the UI and including the new Career Mode elements trying not to clutter things too much
  • Added a glass effect throughout the game, with a blurred transparent background that, other than looking better, makes the UI feel less intrusive while maintaining readability
  • Added a new font, Pirulen, used consistently through all titles and in the game's logo
  • Tweaked the distribution of elements in the designer

    • Renamed Performance Analysis panel to Design Info panel. Renamed Map View and Flight View panels to Map Info and Flight Info

    • Designer info

    • Added craft details and removed the bottom indicator

    • Reordered stuff

    • Added extra information for most parts, including anything that takes power, parachutes, wings, and wheels

    • Remember the user's altitude percentage when exiting and returning to the designer (but not after restarting the game)

    • Removed performance button from the jet engine and rocket engine part properties

    • Designer side panel

    • Select the launch location and launch

    • Crew management (without the astronaut image, they all looked the same so it was just clutter)

    • Open Vizzy editor, if a part with a program is selected then open that

    • New designer category combining staging, AGs, and validation

    • Overhauled validation

    • Made the platform flat with the craft instead of levitating so there’s a better sense of scale

    • Changed the colors of the platform to have more of a blueprint aesthetic and make the designer less dark

    • Overhauled part search with options to sort by price, mass, and name

    • Renamed advanced part settings to additional settings to make it sound less scary

  • Improvements in unit formatting both in money and in metric system units
  • Improvements in the way launch location selection works

    • Wired up the launch button to open the Launch Location dialog in career mode. In sandbox mode, it opens the Play dialog and if Launch Craft is selected, then it opens the select Launch Location dialog

    • Added support for having images in the launch location list view and improved how the information is listed to make it more readable and compact

    • Added support for limiting the launch volume of launch locations

    • Improved the recovery cost calculation to account for unlocked launch locations

    • Added a property to launch locations to, once unlocked, decrease the price of water recovery

    • Show the cost to launch in the list view subtitle

  • Improvements on the end flight dialog

    • Prevent recovering crafts if it is going to cost money

    • Prevent crafts moving too fast from being recovered

    • Return to the menu when the flight scene is exited via Save & Exit or Recover Craft / Destroy Craft instead of going to the designer

    • Changed Keep Craft to Save Flight in the end flight dialog

    • Added launch cost to end flight dialog

  • Changed the load game dialog to sort the game states by last modified, so the more recent ones are at the top
  • Minor tweaks to the nav sphere to make it a bit cleaner and show the cardinal directions when tweaking the pitch
  • Allow clicking on the background to close list views without having to use the close button specifically

Tweaks to gameplay mechanics

  • Changed how the solar energy is calculated to use the radius and surface temperature of the star instead of a fixed value and added a guesstimation to the performance analyzer showing how much a panel will generate in the selected planet. This affects both solar panel energy generation and temperature radiation
  • Added support for each game state having its own unique designer craft
  • Reset the camera mode to default upon launch so players don’t get confused if they were in orbit or chase mode
  • Force the damage scales to be 100% in career mode
  • Enabled compression of craft XML on upload
  • Greatly improved the speed of the Load Game dialog changing how it pre-loads the information of each game state
  • Tweaked the SOI rim shader material to be white and added the ring and cylinder alternatives for races
  • Cheats and debug

    • Added a property for the parts to skip validation in career mode (useful for custom payloads)

    • Exposed the required area per astronaut on the scalable pods to the players so they can tinker with how much people can fit on them and made the Soyuz-like capsule pack them more densely to match the real thing

    • Added tptarget cheat code to automatically teleport to the target at a specified altitude above the target

    • Added velSurface cheat code console command to allow setting craft's current surface velocity.

    • Added "CameraCoords" dev console command that displays the camera's current lat/lon/agl

    • Contract debugging tools

      • Added support for disabled attribute on <ContractTemplates>

      • Added support for debug attribute on <ContractTemplates> to always generate a contract and log its params in the dev console

      • Added support for enabling a debug mode for contracts by adding debug="true" to the root element of any of the contract XML files

        • LeftShift + Keypad Plus in the Tech Tree scene will award 100 tech points

        • LeftShift + clicking on contract in the flight scene will recompile expressions for that contract

        • LeftShift + Numpad Enter to unlock all tech nodes

        • Holding LeftShift allows selecting a locked launch location

        • Holding LeftShift while clicking launch allows launching a craft that has validation errors

        • Holding LeftShift while clicking Hire astronaut allows hiring even if funds are not available

  • If you really want to cheat, you can go into your Game State files and tweak them how much you want. Enjoy.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the symmetric solar panel arrays would show as deployed when their base was hidden
  • Fixed bug where fuselage tool showed gizmos on the top/bottom even when there were parts attached there
  • Fixed the load game dialog to not break when trying to read the info for an invalid game state
  • Fixed a bug causing runways to be treated as offroad
  • Fixed a bug with 0 step sliders resulting in NaNs
  • Fixed a bug where a downloaded sandbox with a period, in the end, would not correctly show as loaded in the Load Game dialog
  • Fixed a bug causing recovery to work for crafts that weren't in contact with the ground
  • Fixed a bug that could result in odd part rotation with surface attachment when using a grid snapping, especially around the base of a nose cone. The symptom was the debug log message "Look Rotation Viewing Vector Is Zero"
  • Fixed bug with fuel capacity calculation when using battery fuel type in a wing
  • Fixed a bug in how the ASL-based mode was updated in the chutes
  • Fixed a bug in the explosion power calculation for batteries
  • Fixed a bug that caused fuselage parts to rotate 180 degrees around their y-axis when connecting to another fuselage part
  • Fixed null ref when exiting designer scene while the performance analysis panel is still open
  • Fixed a bug breaking wheels using symmetry
  • Lowered Juno’s surface temperature to a more realistic value, so parts don’t blow up with the new star energy calculation method, existing systems that have absurdly high or low values will need to be fixed
  • Tweaks to the fuel tank capacity calculation in wings, fixed a bug setting the percentage to the capacity instead of the fuel in the fuel tank modifier
  • Fixed bug where gizmos did not update when switching the configuration mode of a craft
  • Prevent a null ref sometimes thrown by wings with fuel tanks
  • Fixed a bug with Add Section button where it would not correctly connect with fuel line attach points, this fix leaves the shaft disconnected instead
  • Fixed bug where fuel tanks with auto fuel type did not update when connecting parts
  • Fixed bug where active crafts were not being cleared/recovered from the launch location when launching a new craft
  • Fixed a bug with wheels not being properly rebuilt
  • Ensure Vulco is tidally locked and fixed the colors of Droo's moons orbit lines
  • Finally fixed the static reflection probe so there aren’t clear seams in the corners of the cube
  • Prevent using Windows reserved names for files and folders
  • Prevent landing gears with no bay from clipping into whatever they are attached to
  • Improved error handling in load craft list view when an invalid craft XML is encountered
  • Fade away location icons to prevent them from occluding the planet when the camera is far from it
  • Fade out location icons on the back side of a planet in the map view
  • Removed the "Primary command pod is set to Rocket but craft appears to be an airplane. Auto-pilot may not function properly" message since it had way too many false triggers
  • Removed "Primary command pod is set to Plane, but is using non-standard pilot orientation." validation error message because of popular demand
  • Ensure mass and price are updated whenever a detacher force is changed
  • Force a structure-changed event when loading a craft to show the correct mass and price
  • Changed part and modifier price property to use a long data type to make it harder for prices to exceed the max value
  • Fixed bug where Droods would be ridiculously large when loaded as the sole part in a craft in the main menu
  • Update the axis in a control surface when added not to show n/a
  • Ensure all parts in the body are exploded when a command disc is exploded, instead of just exploding itself

After this point, the list includes the changes from each patch since we started the public beta of 1.0. The order of the items is based on the time of implementation, the further down, the later.

0.9.999.99 Patch

  • Made endurance trip track the craft so you have to cover the distance with a single craft
  • Improved the wheel rim and tire density, removed the base 20kg wheels, and also tweaked the price calculation
  • Fixed the bug with Planet Studio flights using the player's current game state
  • Fixed a bug with the PartCount requirement where it would not recount in time when switching between crafts in the flight scene
  • Added TrackedLaunch to Droo-sat and First-sat contracts so it doesn't break when launching a different craft before finishing the contract
  • Enhanced <TrackedLaunch> requirement to support tracking crafts that split into multiple craft nodes after launch
  • Improved the error handling of invalid crafts in the active crafts list view dialog
  • Automatically removing zero part count crafts from the flight state when it is loaded
  • Fixed a bug with removing all debris that could cause crew on non-debris crafts to be killed and payloads unregistered
  • Fixed a bug in the resume craft dialog that would always kill off recovered astronauts
  • Money/contract stats are updated in the main menu as contracts are accepted/rejected
  • When clicking a log entry, select the related part
  • Enhanced <PartCount> so that multiple <PartCount> payload contracts could be running for a single craft, allowing for launching multiple sat contracts together
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Cubesat Mission contract to immediately fail if there were multiple contracts of that type active when starting the flight
  • Clamp the value from the distribution curve used for RandomParam
  • Added a new auto staging that combines engines with their respective interestages, and added a new staging type called Payload that ensures the payloads go into a different stage
  • Added the drag and AoA to the wing's inspector panel
  • Prevent time warp if the player has a payload loaded in the reference frame
  • Fixed bug causing landing legs to jitter
  • Upgraded to Unity 2020.3.43f1

0.9.999.999 Patch

  • Fixed an error in the money calculation for planet/moon missions
  • Ensure space contracts start grounded at droo
  • Fixed a bug where it appeared a contract could not be accepted in the contract dialog after having a duplicate
  • Fixed bug with contracts panel not showing restarted contracts
  • Fixed bug where current money was not displayed correctly in the reward dialog
  • Fixes to the Brigo dive milestone
  • Fixed the missing icon for TT
  • Tweaked the description of the record altitude milestones
  • Made false triggers on quick deployment much harder
  • Added a property to the piston leg to pivot the foot
  • Fixed a typo in the sats contract
  • Tweaked droo orbit to be less likely, have a max instance of one and account for the sat contracts done in its scale, tweaked the sats contract to show up more often, and decreased the rate at which max instances will grow. Simplified the scale calculation, decreased the likelihood of getting crew contracts, and pushed back the inclination
  • Tweaked the subtitle in droo orbit and droo sat
  • Changed the gnome engine starting config
  • Updated parts to force fairings and heatshields to ignore heatshield validation
  • Added a hint on where to put the first CubeSat payload
  • Added efficiency differences to the rocket engine nozzle, to justify the different styles
  • Tweaks to the price calculation of rocket engines and to how gimbals affect mass and price
  • Ensure rotators and hinges have the proper version last
  • Yeeted the base 25kg in the shocks
  • Removed the base mass on wings and fuselages
  • Fixed bug where tire friction did not update correctly after returning to runway after going offroad
  • Added new damage types for the log, explosion, and pressure
  • Made the log ignore damages under 0.1 so it doesn't show the user messages saying the part took 0.0 damage
  • Hide the landing gear ratio if there's no torque
  • Fixed issues with the validation of docking ports
  • Added better validation and tech tree integration for the electric motor
  • Added useful info to the landing gear in the designer info
  • Tweaked the wheel-style grips
  • Changed tutorial car for Jump tutorial to use pitch for motor input
  • Only ask the user to backup craft in the designer if their current designer craft has > 1 parts
  • Made the long hike optional and not part of the contract progression, reduced its probability, increased the price, tweaked the description
  • Fixed a bug preventing the reverse thrust input from being hidden when there's no reverse thrust in a jet engine in the designer
  • Tweaks to the jump flight tutorial
  • Fixed the ion engine having too much sea level efficiency and a false validation error
  • Show price and mass for all designer parts, even if they have varying mass and price
  • Added some error handling to the load game dialog
  • Updated the first run experience to show the new game dialog to the new user
  • Show the price and mass of parts in the tech tree
  • Make the max sat count depend on the type of satellite
  • Improved the money and difficulty calculation for the orbit and sat contracts
  • Swapped the stock system launch locations so Luna is at the bottom and fixed the ALI pad one
  • Show the village and the ALI pad in the map view
  • Tied the wheel power consumption to the current torque instead of constantly pulling power and used a more realistic Wattage per Nm of torque
  • Updated the power consumption on the landing gears too
  • Ensure the career and tech tree buttons are hidden in the sandbox
  • Tweaks and improvements to the units script, unifying the metric prefix formatting and adding it to some units that were missing it
  • Damage messages now use a different UI element to avoid clobbering other messages like Vizzy displays
  • Colored the log messages for damage and explosions
  • Force the game to always return to the default camera when launching a craft
  • Fixed an issue with the radar sat looking weird, making chutes with drag disabled ignore the drag
  • Hiding the 'Roadmap' button in the What's New panel since we are leaving Early Access
  • Fixed bug where small wheels would behave very strangely at low speeds and cause the vehicle to appear to turn in the opposite direction from the way the wheels were pointing
  • Added Wheel Mass to the part inspector for wheels, this accounts for just the tire and rim, excluding the motor and gear
  • Tweaked the launch price from the secondary DSC runway
  • Tweaks to the inspector info for wheels
  • Fixed bug causing Going High tutorial craft to fail on start
  • Fixed bug where TrackedLaunch would not work when resuming/quick-loading
  • Fixed bug where button highlight would remain after button disappeared in flight tutorial
  • Display the current value of input as feedback to players in tutorials
  • Tweaked Jump tutorial to not require holding down the S key for an unknown amount of time. Now it caps at 3 seconds and moves on to the next step

0.9.999.9999 Patch

  • Round money in Buck and simplified the distribution of fireworks
  • Swapped a couple get ints to get floats that are then cast to ints to prevent errors in the generation of contracts
  • Tweaked the scales in the celestial body contracts
  • Tweaked celestial body crew scales and fixed a bug in the price of orbits and landing
  • If min and max values are the same in random param return that value instead of throwing an error
  • Added an extra step in staging before getting 99 stages
  • Fixed an issue with failed contracts not being counted as active
  • Bailout of the jump tutorial if they drive for more than 20 meters and removed a redundant requirement
  • Fixed the lame first payload fairing deployment
  • Fixed a bug in the rewards string formatter
  • Improvements to the metric prefix formatting
  • Remove an extra separator from the menu in the sandbox that was used to separate the tech tree and career buttons
  • Adjusted the way the wheel angular friction scale is calculated for wheel physics to make crafts with a large ratio of wheel mass to craft mass perform better
  • Tweaked the looks of the launch location details so they are more compact and don't require scrolling
  • Ensure lights are forced to turn off if they run out of power
  • Fixed a system mismatch caused by VS indenting things in Droo
  • Ensure wheels update their properties when generating their descriptions
  • Added legacy support for the style-based grips on the wheels
  • Added backward compatibility for calculating wheel mass for old wheels prior to version 3
  • Protection against a null ref in the wheels when a craft has been destroyed
  • Legacy support for the dumb mass in wings and fuselages
  • Ensure the price and mass of jet engines are initialized when generating the descriptions

0.9.999.99999 Patch

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Cubesat Mission to fail when launching a new craft
  • Show the mass and price of the engines in their description
  • Added ParentRotationalPeriod to the FlightContext
  • Prevent the recover dialog from showing a message that mentions "this flight"
  • Tweak to PayloadRequirement.CanWarp to make it more clear what it's doing
  • Moved the locked state of a launch location into CareerState
  • Fixed a bug in the in-flight target torque calculation of the wheels
  • Fix some of the deepest point milestones
  • Added destroyCraftOnComplete attribute to PayloadRequirement. The default setting is "Immediately", but it also supports "ExitFlight" and "None"
  • Removed tracking of payload IDs in PayloadState. Fixed bug where having a payload ID in flight would prevent more instances
  • Don't prevent warp if a payload requirement is not actively tracking a payload
  • Don't auto-create tech items for parts that originate from mods or parts that are subassemblies
  • Fixed a bug where TrackedLaunch would reset the contract if the flight was resumed after the tracked craft had docked or had split from another craft
  • Hide launch fee from launch location details in sandbox mode
  • Fixed bug that allowed receiving the orbit milestone for a planet when they should only have received a flyby
  • Fixed a bug with the GaugeScript not unloading its decal texture
  • Rebranded the game
  • Fixed off-center main menu star in low quality
  • Notify the player that they need to unpause before the explosion will happen when trying to blow up a part
  • Adjusted the difficulty and money of the procedural celestial body contracts
  • Raised the price of the luna pad
  • Auto-expand a contract when it's failed
  • Fixed some issues with the unit formatting
  • Added contracts to unlock all the launch locations and one to test the box delivery concept on the Ali base
  • Allow clicking on a reward message to close it and advance to the next one

1.0.0 Patch

  • Fixed bug where a contract was not removed from the list or regenerated after being canceled
  • Hide the cancel button when showing the New Game dialog when a player is launching the game for the first time
  • Fixed a null ref in FlightTutorial related to an inactive activation panel
  • Updated The Jump tutorial to increase the battery to 25% and turning angle to 20 degrees, so the car works better on later contracts
  • Added tutorial craft for Like a Bird
  • Fixed a ton of typos on the contracts and milestones
  • Hints towards what tech nodes unlock contracts right now and brought the offroad style for wheels to an earlier stage
  • Ensure the player has wings for the first flight and offroad wheels for a climbing hike
  • Reworked the contract hierarchy and added new contracts, focusing on package delivery and races, also readjusted some prizes here and there
  • Hide the distance sphere in Going Sideways, it was way too large
  • Added the community names to the landmarks, and included hints about who proposed them in their descriptions
  • Removed all crew missions from the prick, they will be added in 1.1 under Shotwell with better integration
  • Fixed issue in tech tree causing validation errors to spew
  • Fixed a leaky event that could cause landmarks discoveries to trigger multiple times for a single discovery
  • Ensure no invalid indexes are generated when trying to grab a planet for the procedural celestial body contracts
  • Tweaked the tier at which landing legs are
  • Added two predefined contracts for celestial bodies and adjusted the prereqs so they don't get fly-bys until having orbit lines nor landings until getting Legs
  • Moved the chute styles around in the tech tree to fix a validation error
  • Fixed a bug with the packages touching the ground and blowing up too easily
  • Fixed a bug where notifications may fail to be saved
  • Added a free recovery radius parameter to the launch locations and adjusted the recovery price calculation to make land recoveries more expensive and water recoveries a tad cheaper
  • Added a water recovery bonus to make the port location more attractive and ensure the cheapest location is selected instead of the nearest
  • Made it clear that unlocking the port makes water recovery cheaper in the description of the contract
  • Removed an auto-updater in cameras now that validation handles it
  • Added a reference to the input sliders to the jump tutorial
  • Fixed Shuttle Landing parachute so it doesn't throw the shuttle into orbit
  • Added filter to craft design list view to show/hide stock crafts
  • Made end, retry, save, and recover buttons gray instead of blue in the end flight
  • Changed the button text from Destroy Craft to Save Flight in the recovery dialog when the craft is already destroyed
  • Display a dollar sign on tech nodes that unlock contracts
  • Show notification alerting players that they can increase max contracts available by unlocking Novice Manager
  • Auto-accept contracts when clicking Start Tutorial
  • Prevent career and tech tree buttons in the designer when the tutorial is running
  • Fixed bug that could cause duplicate contracts to get generated
  • Changed nav sphere lock pitch tutorial step to use a yellow triangle instead of green to avoid confusion with velocity prograde
  • Show designer info by default when entering designer
  • Reorganized designer info to put the craft details at the top and collapse staging analysis and environment by default
  • Updated the loading screens in the game, including some selected from players, crediting them in the lower left
  • Added the career selector, only visible when there are any custom careers in the folder, not meant to share them yet, just for people to start making and testing their own
  • Ensure the wheel consumption is 0 when there's no torque applied
  • Mark old career modes as not supported and display a popup message in the main menu to notify players they need to start a new game
  • Fixed hit zone of small buttons in main menu UI
  • Increased the max size of the label part
  • Prevent wiping names from sandbox astronauts when exiting the crew assignment dialog
  • Part damage is now applied when warping, no more warping into Juno
  • Increased the max wheel width to 2 to make graviton happy
  • Added the SR2 logo somewhere on Droo, and somehow we got graffiti in the village, who dares!
  • Added ramps on the ALI base walls for one of the races, and two outposts around the village
  • Updated Vertical Shot to use a new navball attribute that actually waits for the player to interact with it
  • Allow viewing career dialog in flight, without support for accepting or canceling contracts
  • Force pause the game when opening the career dialog in flight
  • Added almost 100 steam achievements, 14 of them with hidden descriptions
  • Fixed bug where some failed requirements would not show
  • Ensure that packages vanish once the contract is completed
  • Added a bunch of new sounds for career mode events. The best one by far is the landmark sound, no competition here
  • The flight log now ignores 'disconnect' entries for single-part craft
  • Tweaked the flight log to display astronaut/tourist death messages rather than part exploded messages where appropriate to make the game feel a little less soulless
  • Fixed a bug that broke the cameras (and could potentially spew errors in some scenarios) when an actively controlled astronaut is destroyed
  • Made the analytics opt-in instead of opt-out and removed the pop-up when starting the game, if they want to help they have to go to settings to enable them manually
  • Fixed? the RCS boosters getting stuck with input upon docking
  • Increased the steps in the motor torque slider
  • Fixed a bug with the designer's next/previous flyout inputs skipping some items and not selecting others because of the change in distribution
  • Scaled music volume by the same amount the sound volume has been scaled by for ages so it isn't painfully loud
  • Increased volume of electric motor
  • Tweaked the Steam deck and Big Picture virtual keyboard handling to work when re-selecting an already selected input field
  • Give players a craft on learning to fly to make up for the lack of propellers
  • Increase starting RPM for the electric motor to 1500 in the tech tree
  • Updated version to!

1.0.1 Patch

  • Show only the tutorial in the first air race if it is the first round
  • Increased the first round time for the valley race
  • Fixed the wing thickness gizmo clamp
  • Fixed a bug where inclination requirement would appear when it should not
  • Tweaks to the style of the loading scene text to make it easier to read
  • Fixed the issue with recovery getting the wrong location
  • Increased the money you get from launching sats
  • Fixed a bug preventing the celestial body contracts from showing up
  • Increased the label part height
  • Allowed wheel turning angle to have finer tuning
  • Fixed a wrong string formatting in the game loading panel's career money
  • Ensure the wheel inputs in landing gears are zeroed when the part is off
  • Raised the max temp of the beacons a notch
  • Added a property to the tech tree XML that enables allowing tinker panel and softening validation
  • Fixed a calculation error for the torque of wheels reversing
  • Fixed a bug where milestones did not correctly register flybys
  • Fixed a bug that could potentially cause issues with landmarks when changing SOIs
  • Updated the flight tutorial analog input handling to better handle yaw/roll with swap yaw/roll for the Steam Deck and Big Picture
  • Tweaked the SteamDeck to delay the on-screen keyboard popping up upon the first run of the game when selecting the name field of the new game dialog
  • Fully disabled analytics
  • Removed the Hide Completed button since it had some bugs we don't have time to fix, it will be added again in 1.1
  • Reduced the swim distance milestone thresholds
  • Update the craft info in the designer when loading a craft
  • Improved the error handling of loading invalid part connections from XML
  • Lowered the probability of fireworks as the player becomes wealthier
  • Tweaked the payload icons so they look better
  • Added the untextured Village Statue

1.0.2 Patch

  • Fixed the position of the star and planet in the menu
  • Added an east-facing launch location in the DSC runway in Career Mode. You have to start a new one to get it
  • Prevent the light part from causing blink on out of sync fixed updates
  • Fixed a bug preventing the light part from updating some properties in the designer
  • Fixed an error in the validation of the flight speed milestone
  • Changed some default controller bindings in the designer
  • Fixed bug with satellite contracts if the player switches to a craft that does not have the payload and then switches back to the original craft
  • Fixed bug where contracts might be reset again on the launch following a contract reset

1.0.3 Patch

  • Ensure water reflections fade out as the camera gets higher up in the atmosphere
  • Fixed various errors in the celestial body contracts
  • Fixed reference to blue arrow in the tooltip for toggle control in command pod part properties
  • Fixed a rare bug with SOIs
  • Fixed a bug/memory leak related to the landing legs and SOI transitions
  • Updated the stock crafts, with a total of 11 now, more to come in 1.1
  • Preventing some exceptions from blowing up background threads under a rare condition where the planet has been unloaded but quad split jobs are still processing
  • Bumped up the money in the further away celestial body contracts

1.0.4 Patch

  • Fixed the stock craft filter that was leaving the SimpleTruck out
  • Fixed bug where Planet requirement did not respond correctly when in T.T.'s SOI
  • Fixed incorrect craft validation error "Is missing a source" when a command disc had a flight program

50 Items

316 Idea for Career Mode
25 Improve auto-connection detection with small objects
17 Floppy or "None" option for wheels motor input
14 Website suggestion: Add the “Tags” search option
11 "Empty" Craft
10 Heat and damage overlays
9 Astronaut camera becomes problematic after its dead
7 Satellite contract fails despite launch criteria being met
6 Price of craft overflows and becomes negative
5 Display solar panel recharge rate in designer
4 Better game start screen
4 small piston legs spasm
4 RTG Cost glitch
3 Re-entry heating always on
3 Cylero Contracts Time Out Too Fast
2 Valley Air Race not completeable after one failure
2 Actual Luminosity value
2 Deleteing crafts with crew does not kill the crew.
2 Recovery button is space?
2 Solar Panel Symmetry
2 Bugged contract when skipping mission for later
1 Multiple payload contracts are not working
1 Ali Pad relocks
1 Cannot warp while 'Ocean Delivery' is accepted
1 "Start Grounded"Bug
1 Cannot generate contracts on iOS
1 Cargobays with no base causes issues with crafts in timewarp.
1 Cargobays with disabled rotation do not have the disabled rotation when entering flight.
1 Adjustible Value in Planet Studio for Solar Panel Energy Output
1 Debris cannot load or remove
1 'Ocean delivery' contract, vehicle container bug
1 inclination 0 early contract requirement
0 Display not updated in time
0 Going backwards really fast without reasons
0 Craft lights flicker when turned on.
0 Shuttle landing challenge - parachute breaks everything
0 Lights working without battery power
0 Cargo Containers Explode Upon Ground Contact
0 Get current Craft Height in Vizzy
0 Wheel Energy consumption
0 Surface Rendezvous on Brigo Causes First Landed Ship to Explode
0 The price is horribly inaccurate
0 Satellite deployment marked as failure despite being in target orbit
0 unregocnised payloads
0 Brigo flyby/orbit/landing missions dont dissapear
0 the location is't right!
0 tech tree error in sandbox mode
0 Parachute deployment not showing
0 cost goes backwards if adding more fuel
0 Tire grip stuck in off-road mode


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  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    "Added an intensity input by default for the beacon instead of a slider, so it's easier for them to make brake lights"
    is this available for the spotlights (the ones that actually emit light onto surfaces rather than just glow) too?

    2.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Cclef why not

    2.0 years ago
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    0 Cclef

    " Removed the fuel adapter from the part list "

    2.0 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity


    +1 2.1 years ago
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    2.1 years ago
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    Read the whole thing. Nice job Jundroo!

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    that’s a lot of words that i don’t feel like reading

    +1 2.1 years ago

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27.1k Zenithspeed