@Bmcclory One of the important pieces will be uploading your sandboxes (ie - game states), so we're going to add a mode where you can hide the hud and get great looking screenshots of your crafts for your posts on SimpleRockets.com.
@Planefun We probably won't manipulate the particles based on air density, but probably just fade it out. Thanks for the image though, it is interesting stuff!
@destroyerP The initial release for early access will be missing some of these features, but we do hope to add astronauts and re-entry effects before doing the final release. Real size planet scales might be possible (via XML modding) on the initial early access release.
@Supercraft888 The coloring is very similar to SimplePlanes, so coloring is based on Primary, Trim 1, etc.
You can launch multiple crafts into the solar system and the game will save your state, so you can keep adding more onto space stations in orbit, similar to SR1.
@SledDriver That's true. All planets will be 10% of the size of their real-life counterparts. They can't be full size in the game because the planet quality degrades with size and, from what I've seen, it negatively impacts gameplay. Surface gravity is important to match the real-life counterparts though, so we can just say the core of the planet contains some heavy elements.
@Fireswarmdragon The auto-crediting works a bit differently. When you download a craft it will remember and if you make changes to it and re-upload, it will correctly link with the craft you downloaded.
@RailfanEthan @NazyaMilitare The early access will be public and we limiting our focus to one platform while we're banging out features. We are choosing Steam because it's the easiest to work with. Once we have the majority of the game finalized, we will start running betas on the other platforms.
@Botfinder That is all still under consideration. Make sure you submit and vote on suggestions on our user voice site if you want to see something in the game.
@chancey21 @MrDoolittle Good point. I added a pic of the part.
6.8 years ago@Mymessage @chancey21 These are high-quality parachutes. You won't find better parachutes anywhere else!
6.8 years ago@WeSeekANARCHY several parts recalculate mass as they are resized, but via XML modding it is possible to alter the mass of parts.
6.8 years ago@DimaKosheleFF Nope, should be fixed in SR2.
6.8 years ago@JustRoboCop Thanks, I'm glad to hear that :)
6.8 years ago@Awsomur Those boosters are several thousand kilograms each, so make sure you bulk up before launch day.
6.8 years ago@Bmcclory One of the important pieces will be uploading your sandboxes (ie - game states), so we're going to add a mode where you can hide the hud and get great looking screenshots of your crafts for your posts on SimpleRockets.com.
6.8 years ago@Supercraft888 SR2 fuselage pieces are based on SimplePlanes and I have put a ton of effort into them so they are a lot more flexible.
6.8 years ago@Awsomur Probably the same price as SimplePlanes.
6.8 years ago@Planefun We probably won't manipulate the particles based on air density, but probably just fade it out. Thanks for the image though, it is interesting stuff!
6.8 years ago@JetFly but, why not Kethan?
6.8 years ago@destroyerP The initial release for early access will be missing some of these features, but we do hope to add astronauts and re-entry effects before doing the final release. Real size planet scales might be possible (via XML modding) on the initial early access release.
6.8 years ago@Thomasj041 Yes, using the same method as SimplePlanes.
6.8 years ago@DarthAbhinav Thanks! I can't believe I didn't notice that!
6.8 years ago@hartobr Probably the same as SimplePlanes, so $4.99.
6.8 years ago@Gamerspartan64 Yes
6.8 years ago@Bmcclory Still haven't decided yet, but we did rule out Fred. Sorry!
6.8 years ago@Supercraft888 The coloring is very similar to SimplePlanes, so coloring is based on Primary, Trim 1, etc.
You can launch multiple crafts into the solar system and the game will save your state, so you can keep adding more onto space stations in orbit, similar to SR1.
6.8 years ago@Fjorge No, but I agree they do look delicious.
6.8 years ago@Griffinthedragon Failed missions have a heavy price tag, but the lessons learned are priceless.
6.8 years ago@Supercraft888 :D
6.8 years ago@Kentheman We still have plans for 1.8 for SimplePlanes, but obviously the schedule is slipping into the future.
6.8 years ago@Exospaceman There will be several more parts, but I'll save those for future Mondays.
6.8 years ago@DemonSniper8 You can customize colors like in SimplePlanes.
6.8 years ago@RailfanEthan That's alright if you write that you don't want to be right, but you will still be right.
6.9 years agoNot as early as we wanted it to be when we released the trailer. @RailfanEthan is right. Now we are looking at Q2 for an early access release.
6.9 years ago
6.9 years agoThanks, I am glad you like it!
Also, thanks to @Thomasj041 for letting me know it was messed up.@Thomasj041 Yep, good point. Thanks for letting me know, I'll see what I can do.
6.9 years ago@SledDriver That's true. All planets will be 10% of the size of their real-life counterparts. They can't be full size in the game because the planet quality degrades with size and, from what I've seen, it negatively impacts gameplay. Surface gravity is important to match the real-life counterparts though, so we can just say the core of the planet contains some heavy elements.
6.9 years ago@Tully2001 It is a gas giant, so that does make sense....
6.9 years ago@slayeralpha We are now shooting to launch in early access for Q2 of this year.
6.9 years ago@Fireswarmdragon The auto-crediting works a bit differently. When you download a craft it will remember and if you make changes to it and re-upload, it will correctly link with the craft you downloaded.
6.9 years ago@WNP78 Good call! I'll add that.
6.9 years ago@PhantomHawke Yes there will be modding support. Not sure about what the recommended specs will be yet for mobile.
6.9 years ago@GINGER01 Only stages that have engines are listed. The others are hidden to save space.
6.9 years ago@Exospaceman Yep! We don't want people to think the SR2 launch is an April Fool's joke!
6.9 years ago@InternationalAircraftCompany Ya, we should try to avoid launching on that day at all costs!
6.9 years ago@Bmcclory Q1 is January - March, but it will more likely be March 31st at 11:59pm, so it just sounds better to say Q1 instead! :D
6.9 years agoWhoops. Thanks for letting me know. It should be fixed now.
6.9 years ago@Ryn176 It's a midrange rocket. Yes, sandbox still exists.
6.9 years ago@GermanWarMachine @Callumwhite55682 Yes, there will be a career mode where you earn money to buy rocket parts.
6.9 years ago@MrDoolittle No plans for weapons, unless the suggestions on UserVoice change our minds ;)
6.9 years ago@sheepsblood We're planning on supporting MacOS and Windows during Steam Early Access.
6.9 years ago@Supercraft888 This will be the medium engine. Similar to the Blasto 170 in SR1.
6.9 years ago@PorkyClown3 Yes, all engines will have different performance characteristics in a vacuum vs in an atmosphere.
6.9 years ago@RailfanEthan @NazyaMilitare The early access will be public and we limiting our focus to one platform while we're banging out features. We are choosing Steam because it's the easiest to work with. Once we have the majority of the game finalized, we will start running betas on the other platforms.
6.9 years agoNo, unfortunately, the games will not be compatible like that.
6.9 years agoWe are hoping to release in Q1 of this year on early access on Steam. The mobile release will not be until later this year.
6.9 years ago@Botfinder That is all still under consideration. Make sure you submit and vote on suggestions on our user voice site if you want to see something in the game.
6.9 years ago@chancey21 Yep :)
6.9 years ago