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    I was wondering about this myself so I did a little investigation. This is what I found:

    Terrain generation (mountains icon)

    If needed click Mountians icon in flyout to show 'advanced view'

    Click Height Biomes Pass | Default | Color Gradient

    Click the band next to 'Color'

    Should display Gradient Editor
    click on one of the 'drop' location icons
    click on band next to 'Color'

    should display a colour selector

    amend the colour

    repeat for each 'drop' location icon

    21 days ago
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    What was the planet's name?

    23 days ago
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    Illegal charaters are things like : and \ in Windows or / in Linux or Android. I don't know about Macs. If in doubt stick to letters, numbers or _. Spaces should be safe also.

    23 days ago
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    @Toinkove Yes, command disks.


    uses this. There is a command disk between the main habitat and the 'corridor' habitat at the top. Note, the corridor habitat has zero capacity but astronauts can be moved across the corridor, just not into the corridor.

    one month ago
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    I haven't made use of a fUNk expression yet but this is what I've found so far. The parameter to fUNk() is a string containing an expression. I've looked into this a little and this is what I found:


    Gives an overview of Vizzy and mentions fUNk. It also links to the following page:


    which seems to document the various parts of a fUNK expression. The 'input' item in the parts properies can be a fUNk expression so you may need to search for 'inputcontroller' to find fUNk information.

    one month ago
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    A minor addition to this. Crew can also pass across command pods. This is useful in a space station when you have a habitat but no capsule permanently attached.

    one month ago
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    To use solid boosters as the first stage (usually side attached) I've found that a delta-V of around 650m/s with a TWR of 1.5 (at the surface) works well. They run out at around 4km altitude so design the second stage engine to work at this altitude, again with a TWR of 1.5.

    one month ago
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    I actually looked into this to place 3 sattelite in a stationary orbit 120 degrees apart with one over the Droo space center.

    [Droo Synchronous Sattelite](https://www.simplerockets.com/c/3O7d15/Droo-Synchronous-Sattelite)

    The synchronous orbit altitude I used was 8804 km for a 14 hour orbit. This is the planet day length as reported by Vizzi. I'm assuming this is the sidereal day length (relative to fixed stars). The solar day (noon to noon) will be different from this.

    Droo space center is at 130W.

    Starting from a 85km orbit using a starting TWR of 1.25 (the burn starts point may differ for a different TWR or a diferrent start orbit)
    - Start burn at 122E to place sat over DSC (252 E or 108 W or target)
    - Start burn at 118W to place sat 120 deg east of this
    - Start burn at 2E to place sat 120 deg west of this

    one month ago
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    The engine will work above 30km, although the craft is not particually aerodynamic and the thrust is rather low (TWR 0.38). If you can release it going fast enough and high enough it might be able to make orbit. N.B. it is launched unmanned so it is essentially a large sattellite.

    one month ago
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    The target orbit is 400km/400km 0 deg inclination, however, it has its own engines so can be launched into a lower orbit and raise itself. Mass=36.1t, diameter=5.27m height=36.1m .

    Good luck!

    one month ago