@wwwNews222com my god how did you do that
can you make the landing gear for rockets have an piston and add an parts for satellites and robot arms like the Canada arm oh and improve the capsule cuz it will go head first
oh i can do it just need logic but if your good at the game im know u can land it is called fox dragon ill be making an new one soon
@DemonSniper8 i hope. oh it will be cool to have drone ships and logic
@wwwNews222com my god how did you
+1 5.5 years agodo that
5.6 years agocan you make the landing gear for rockets have an piston and add an parts for
5.8 years agosatellites and robot arms like the Canada arm oh and improve the capsule
cuz it will go head first
oh i can do it just need logic but if your good at the game im know u can land it is
5.8 years agocalled fox dragon ill be making an new one soon
@DemonSniper8 i hope. oh it will be cool
5.9 years agoto have drone ships and logic