@Pedro Nice updates I remember working with the developers in 2017 and a lot of designs have come a long way. I still want to do my own galaxy with the meteor belt in the solar system. It would be awesome to see it again.
Your cat may have a tumor...I had one talked to another owner who had theirs examined same random behavior as ours sitting watching TV cat walks by and just goes off on your legs or something there like bloodthirsty madness and then she would also sometimes find a spot on one of our beds no telling who or when it was she would curl up in a spot and pee in it and stay curled up in it. EXTREMELY ODD these two behaviors my friends also had although the attacks were different but not the sleeping spot where they lay down in their own spot where they went to the bathroom.
Unfortunately ours ran away when we moved never did find out for sure and we weren't gonna pay to scan her brain or anything expensive so we just hoped she survived out there somewhere in...L.A. County .
To Lucky the black cat you were crazy no doubts there
You got a good thing going How about weight wise. Heaviest to lightest it's
Battery, Solid Fuel SRBs, Kerolox, Xenon, Water, Methalox, Monopropellent, Hyrdolox, Liquid Hydrogen , then Jet fuel.
Try a Hyrdrolox and Metholox mix
or their is also trying
Liquid Hydrogen and Methalox combo for Vacuum.
For launching off the planets surface I did a quick assessment once and found that a TWR of 1.7 or 1.8 rocket takes around 2 minutes with the SRB boosters on. Try and resize the SRBs to match up to 110 or 120 seconds of burn time. This gets you closer to both burn times matching up and you dropping the whole stage instead of dropping SRBs then the stage itself. Hope it helps.😄
@Mod hey i hate to tell you but this code for a image to be shown on a post is off actually or maybe the site I use. Anywayz I thought of the issue used some years of knowledge and took a stab at it turns out one word changed the outcome. Even though it wasn't listed here or anywhere I just thought hmmm maybe this and boom instantly man it showed up.
I might be able to help you out but the answers are loose in a way because of the variables that were left in your question.
First question which solar system stock or downloaded then it's which one did you download and now want to try launching from.
Most players build and build and fly I say build it backwards and think of where it will end you'll need fuel probably Methalox, or maybe electric Ion engines. when you build down think of more power and longer burn time then the top section. The bottom or first is almost always Kerolox and solid boosters or methalox boosters on the sides try quads much more stable. Hope it helps you.
@Pedro Nice updates I remember working with the developers in 2017 and a lot of designs have come a long way. I still want to do my own galaxy with the meteor belt in the solar system. It would be awesome to see it again.
2.5 years agoHappy Belated Birthday :P
+1 2.8 years agoVideo Comparison of Two RSS Solar Systems
Landing on Tethys video
Original Earth from the Moon video
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Youtube Best of SimpleRockets 2 Playlist
Music and SimpleRockets 2 Playlist
3.0 years ago
Your cat may have a tumor...I had one talked to another owner who had theirs examined same random behavior as ours sitting watching TV cat walks by and just goes off on your legs or something there like bloodthirsty madness and then she would also sometimes find a spot on one of our beds no telling who or when it was she would curl up in a spot and pee in it and stay curled up in it. EXTREMELY ODD these two behaviors my friends also had although the attacks were different but not the sleeping spot where they lay down in their own spot where they went to the bathroom.
3.1 years agoUnfortunately ours ran away when we moved never did find out for sure and we weren't gonna pay to scan her brain or anything expensive so we just hoped she survived out there somewhere in...L.A. County .
To Lucky the black cat you were crazy no doubts there
@Avinashkma Nice!!!
3.1 years ago@Avinashkma Ya I like the difference of being able to go to another system and launch from any surface it's nice.
3.1 years ago@HorizonsTechnologies Your right my bad like huge difference batteries are almost twice as heavy! I'll fix it in original post.
3.2 years agoYou got a good thing going How about weight wise. Heaviest to lightest it's
3.2 years agoBattery, Solid Fuel SRBs, Kerolox, Xenon, Water, Methalox, Monopropellent, Hyrdolox, Liquid Hydrogen , then Jet fuel.
Try a Hyrdrolox and Metholox mix
or their is also trying
Liquid Hydrogen and Methalox combo for Vacuum.
For launching off the planets surface I did a quick assessment once and found that a TWR of 1.7 or 1.8 rocket takes around 2 minutes with the SRB boosters on. Try and resize the SRBs to match up to 110 or 120 seconds of burn time. This gets you closer to both burn times matching up and you dropping the whole stage instead of dropping SRBs then the stage itself. Hope it helps.😄
@Mod yer code is slightly off is what I mean
3.2 years ago@Mod hey i hate to tell you but this code for a image to be shown on a post is off actually or maybe the site I use. Anywayz I thought of the issue used some years of knowledge and took a stab at it turns out one word changed the outcome. Even though it wasn't listed here or anywhere I just thought hmmm maybe this and boom instantly man it showed up.
3.2 years ago@AXmSpace Here finally lol @Avinashkma I knew I could get it to display eventually you can see it's not far off at all more cloudy maybe?
3.2 years agoNot a bad idea here lol
3.2 years agoI might be able to help you out but the answers are loose in a way because of the variables that were left in your question.
3.2 years agoFirst question which solar system stock or downloaded then it's which one did you download and now want to try launching from.
Most players build and build and fly I say build it backwards and think of where it will end you'll need fuel probably Methalox, or maybe electric Ion engines. when you build down think of more power and longer burn time then the top section. The bottom or first is almost always Kerolox and solid boosters or methalox boosters on the sides try quads much more stable. Hope it helps you.