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    i'm a little confused, i have 1.6km/s of ∆v, is that 1600m/s? what does the -1 mean? trying to build an SSTO that already can get up to 30km altitude, then use rocket fuel the rest of the way, i don't know how much of the standard launch ∆v i need with such a headstart

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS that is strange, perhaps they are migrating to a different place to show update notes?

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS okay, mostly my own confusion then, i apologise XD
    thankyou for offering a kind service, download servers are always appreciated ^-^

    2.1 years ago
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    i am flummoxed, the website you are using currently already hosts absolutely everything you could want, crafts, mods, systems, celestial bodies, sandboxes... am i missing something?

    is the issue about the download server? because crafts are directly hosted by Jundroo if i'm not mistaken, and the same was true for SP mods.

    ultimately it has to be posted here in order to have searchability, are you only hosting a download server or do you intend to be the front page for mods?

    2.1 years ago
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    @AnotherFireFox you can scale them down by 25% Size and Mass in the Tinker Panel and size them up in engine configuration, gives you better TWR and power for the same mass and size

    6.0 years ago