To use inputs in the label part, surround each input with curly brackets, e.g. {Throttle} will be replaced with the craft's throttle.
By default, the displayed value will be restricted to two decimal places, however you can specify a different format after a semicolon. Here are a couple examples:
{Throttle;0%} - This takes throttle, which is between 0.00 and 1.00, and displays it as a percentage with no decimal places, 0-100%.
{FlightData.AltitudeAboveGroundLevel;0.0} - This displays the AGL with only one decimal place.
Other supported formats include any specification decimal places by either writing it out 0.000 or n3 for three decimal places, as well as most of these standard numeric format strings, as long as they work with decimal/float values (hexadecimal format x will not work, as it requires an integer value).
@MrTaco I'm not sure I understand... from oldest to newest, Unity 5.x -> Unity 2017.x -> Unity 2018.x.
Currently the latest Unity release is 2018.2.14, which is only a couple months more recent than 2018.2.3 (and we may be upgrading at some point).
Also, newer Unity doesn't necessarily mean worse performance ;)
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
I'm just glad it won't be me eating black licorice.
+7 6.6 years agoSR2 does the same thing, when the speed is set to zero it will go floppy, and zero range will go free-spin.
+6 6.3 years agoWe should probably make it show this in the UI like SP... Oops, sorry about that!
Select the command chip, go into part properties, and click "Set Primary".
+1 6.3 years agoYou should then be able to delete the default command pod.
@DuckMint we plan to support modding capability similar to SimplePlanes, though initial Early Access release won't be there yet.
+1 6.4 years ago@ocso639 @MrTaco We are currently using Unity 2018.2.3
+1 6.4 years ago@AndrewGarrison.Head.Delete();
+1 7.2 years ago@Staticalliam7 :(
4.3 years agoTo use inputs in the label part, surround each input with curly brackets, e.g.
will be replaced with the craft's throttle.By default, the displayed value will be restricted to two decimal places, however you can specify a different format after a semicolon. Here are a couple examples:
- This takes throttle, which is between 0.00 and 1.00, and displays it as a percentage with no decimal places, 0-100%.{FlightData.AltitudeAboveGroundLevel;0.0}
- This displays the AGL with only one decimal place.Other supported formats include any specification decimal places by either writing it out
4.4 years ago0.000
for three decimal places, as well as most of these standard numeric format strings, as long as they work with decimal/float values (hexadecimal formatx
will not work, as it requires an integer value).@MrTaco Yes
6.4 years ago@MrTaco I'm not sure I understand... from oldest to newest, Unity 5.x -> Unity 2017.x -> Unity 2018.x.
6.4 years agoCurrently the latest Unity release is 2018.2.14, which is only a couple months more recent than 2018.2.3 (and we may be upgrading at some point).
Also, newer Unity doesn't necessarily mean worse performance ;)
@Caveman999 your SP account didn't have over 100 points when you created your account here.
6.8 years agoAt vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
7.3 years ago