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    first teehee

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    +1 2.1 years ago
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    @chillymations Hey, sorry for the late reply. I see that you’ve released the update and after reaching orbit around Tinydesert. Even though it couldn’t be literal hell, I still like it! Maybe it can be a vulcanoid object, orbiting just a few hundred thousand kilometers above Tinyus. If you have any ideas about the future of Tinyhell, just @ me here! Thanks!

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    @chillymations Maybe even just an update that adds closer planets, like vulcanoids, like Tinyheat, a small rock, about 75% the size of Tinyrust, and it can be a sun-blasted hellscape of super heated rock, no lava, because everyone does that, just try to be unique! :)

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    And also, a new planet closer than Tinyhome, called Tinyhell. It can be 119km. It can be a mix of Io and Venus, with yellow-brown terrain, with volcanoes. However, the poles are somehow cold, and the poles contain liquid water, which can support life. It can have two moons,

    the closest can be Tinitoxin, which is a toxic wasteland, no bigger than 35km, it can have a lime green atmosphere, and green-brown sludgy lakes.

    Tinibland, the other moon can just be a regular moon, grey, made of regolith, however, it can be the largest moon, about 48km.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    If I can leave a suggestion, a new moon around Tinerings, Tinytan. A blatant rip off of Taurus and Titan, it can be pink and magenta, with flowing light blue lakes. It can have an almost opaque pink-magenta atmosphere. It could be one of the last moons, at around 15° orbit.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    You should do the Seayuz from the video, that would be amazing to see.

    2.8 years ago
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    @chillymations I thought of a name for the one being torn to shreds, Tinibini, the bini being pronounced like Tiny.

    3.2 years ago
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    @chillymations Hey, if you’ve seen the trailer for KSP2, you’ve probably seen Rask and Rusk, a binary planet system. Maybe Tinyhell can remain as described, and the other, can be the one looks as if it is being torn to shreds. Here’s the link to the trailer, https://youtu.be/P_nj6wW6Gsc Timestamp 1:50

    3.2 years ago