@mundindel Thank you for that, that helps tons! To define “bland” I mean something that is under detailed, like, tiny details that really make something front-page amazing, if that makes any sense?
@SamTheFox I was just posting a bug (that i probably brought into existence) report, and i tried that for the screenshot, it unfortunately did not work, thank you though! Gonna check out that profile now, thanks!
@mundindel Thank you for that, that helps tons! To define “bland” I mean something that is under detailed, like, tiny details that really make something front-page amazing, if that makes any sense?
1.9 years ago@CanadaDucK Thats what I figured, since I play mostly on mobile, I was wondering if there was any substitute for mods I should have used. Thanks!
1.9 years ago@SamTheFox I was just posting a bug (that i probably brought into existence) report, and i tried that for the screenshot, it unfortunately did not work, thank you though! Gonna check out that profile now, thanks!
1.9 years ago