@NorthWestKings to change to a desired capsule you'll have to drag the capsule (that you want to use) into the building platform (in designer), set it to primary in the part properties tab before removing the unwanted one,simply removing the capsule won't work.
Also, check in the settings for something called physics range to increase the range that your craft loads (up to 10km max)
@Toinkove sorry about the late reply, the undocking status shows up whenever you undock a docking port. The port, in it's status, shows 'undocking' and cannot be docked to until it leaves that status.
I got the SimpleRockets beta from the last update so i can play. I am wondering where i can find new links to testflight cuz my friend wants to try out the beta too
Still waiting…….
+1 2.1 years ago@Planetloversaredope February 4th
+1 2.1 years ago@TronicOrbital ok,thanks
+1 2.8 years ago@Planetloversaredope still waiting for 1.3 (mobile) XD
one year ago@CloakPin i see
1.2 years agoIt's mostly on custom made suspensions that i experience this problem, after some testing i think it has something to do with the rotators
1.2 years ago@CloakPin that's interesting, what parts are you connecting the wheels to
1.2 years ago@Bielzinho767 thanks!
1.3 years agoNvm i found a way around this problem
1.3 years agoIm making a vtol jet and I want the thrust for the engines to show separately on the mfd.
1.3 years ago@NorthWestKings to change to a desired capsule you'll have to drag the capsule (that you want to use) into the building platform (in designer), set it to primary in the part properties tab before removing the unwanted one,simply removing the capsule won't work.
1.4 years agoAlso, check in the settings for something called physics range to increase the range that your craft loads (up to 10km max)
@Toinkove ok,i see, thanks!
1.4 years ago@Toinkove btw thanks
1.4 years ago@Toinkove What i was trying to ask was if one can skip that status (im making autoloaders for cannons and the reload speed is limited because of it)
1.4 years ago@Toinkove sorry about the late reply, the undocking status shows up whenever you undock a docking port. The port, in it's status, shows 'undocking' and cannot be docked to until it leaves that status.
1.4 years agothanks (sorry for the late reply I am quite buzy these days)
1.6 years agoThanks! @TomKerbal
1.9 years agoI got the SimpleRockets beta from the last update so i can play. I am wondering where i can find new links to testflight cuz my friend wants to try out the beta too
2.1 years agoAre they not accepting new testers? I didn’t see the testflight link
2.1 years ago@PNSXK nvm found it
2.1 years ago@TritonAerospace where?
2.1 years ago@SamTheFox ok, thanks
2.1 years ago@SamTheFox I can’t find where the fuelConsumption settings is, can you tell me which page it is on? Thanks
2.8 years agook @Staticalliam7
2.9 years agook @SamTheFox
3.0 years agoIt doesn’t crash on mine but i kinda also want to know what it looks like on pc since I don’t have one @SamTheFox
3.0 years agoOk @SamTheFox
3.0 years agoOk, thanks @SamTheFox
3.0 years agoShould have looked more carefully
3.0 years agoOof @Mewingcarrot58 @Staticalliam7
3.0 years agoSomeone help
3.0 years agoWhy does it say that it isn’t accepting new testers right now?
3.0 years agoHope Jundroo will implement the ability to stop water from rendering inside cargo bays someday @plane918273645
3.1 years agoOof @plane918273645
3.1 years agoIt also seems that cockpits have the ability to stop anything from rendering in it, does the before depth mask attribute have anything to do with it?
3.1 years agoAlso is there a way to stop water rendering in cargo bays?
3.1 years agoOK thanks, im on mobile btw@sacr3dbac0n0
3.3 years agoNice
3.3 years agothanks @FriendlyFin
3.3 years agoYou post from within the game, open the main menu and a click the square with a arrow pointing up @denism
3.3 years agoThanks @YaMomzBox420
3.3 years agoOk i see
3.3 years agoBtw will the stars in that system orbit each other or will they stay in the place you put them? @YaMomzBox420 @Zenithspeed
3.3 years agoOk thanks @Zenithspeed @YaMomzBox420
3.3 years agogood job jundroo!
3.3 years agoYesss
3.3 years ago