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    The Saturn V will be the P-51 of SR2

    +4 6.3 years ago
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    @Mattangi you could make an infinite fueled—and useful—plane by XML modding the power of the ion engine.

    +2 6.5 years ago
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    Spacey McShuttleface

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    I think I know a few:
    1 (Guessing): Brachistochrone Maneuver?
    3: Counter-clockwise
    5: 20 km/s
    6: As you recede from earth, gravity becomes weaker, forcing the pod at the end of the elevator to essentially "slow down". Also, considering the length of the elevator and speed of rotation of the earth, it would be difficult to construct a cable that could withstand the enormous centrifugal force.
    7: Varies on type of fuel (liquid or solid), but the two main factors are the composition of the fuel and the shape & size of the engine nozzle.
    8: The laws of thermodynamics don't allow it. Friction would cause the materials used to erode away, eventually becoming useless in a perpetual motion machine. Even without friction, the individual protons of the atoms are theorized to decay over trillions of years, technically not being perpetual.
    9: (Mostly just guessing). An engine's nozzle's efficiency depends on the outside conditions. While one shape may be suited for atmospheric flight, it would perform horribly in outer space. An SSTO would need an engine that performs well in both environments.

    these might all be garbage though lol

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    Awesome! It would be cool if we could edit the half-life of the smoke particles for a lingering effect. @AndrewGarrison

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    Looks great! Question: will there be a mirror tool?

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    @Chancey21 @Bmcclory @NazyaMilitare @mjdfx150529 Thanks!

    6.3 years ago
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    No exact date, but the devs are estimating this summer. (But it’ll probably be later than that since dates are kinda iffy)

    6.7 years ago
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    Use the uservoice, not this post’s comment space

    6.7 years ago
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    It's not a priority. The devs need to work on basic game mechanics before implementing more advanced stuff. Take Stardew Valley; the game’s playable amount of content got to a very high quality state before the developer implemented multiplayer.

    6.7 years ago
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    Hype! It would be cool to add the fuselage texturing in SimplePlanes too.

    7.0 years ago