@Bmcclory Thanks for the reply! That's the way I have it set up...odd. I set up my rover as a sub assembly and brought it in, confirming that the pod remained primary. As I assembled the full rocket, I noticed that some engines disappeared from my staging. I tried reset, but that didn't make any difference. Is it possible to add the engines back into the staging once they're gone?
Very nice! Any suggestions or tutorials on controlling the craft to rendezvous using the RCS? I tried using the method explained in the KSP YouTube video, but my craft goes all over the place. I'm also still not sure if I should add RCS nozzles to the front and rear of the craft to control movement towards and away from my target without using the main engines.
Ah, I see. Thank you.
+1 6.2 years ago@sumeee Awesome!! Thank you so much! I'll have to give it a try later today.
+1 6.2 years ago@Bmcclory Thanks for the reply! That's the way I have it set up...odd. I set up my rover as a sub assembly and brought it in, confirming that the pod remained primary. As I assembled the full rocket, I noticed that some engines disappeared from my staging. I tried reset, but that didn't make any difference. Is it possible to add the engines back into the staging once they're gone?
6.1 years ago@eonn44 Thanks for the detailed information and no need to apologize. I certainly understand!
6.2 years agoVery nice! Any suggestions or tutorials on controlling the craft to rendezvous using the RCS? I tried using the method explained in the KSP YouTube video, but my craft goes all over the place. I'm also still not sure if I should add RCS nozzles to the front and rear of the craft to control movement towards and away from my target without using the main engines.
6.2 years ago