When @AndrewGarrison told us it’s a enormous update I imagine that there is going to be lots of new things like maybe weather that can interfere with your rockets so you have to launch on clear nights although it might kill phones and maybe a few more parts to make building easier or more hud options i don’t exactly know it’s probably be lots of cool things that are for the new mode like all types of new ways to get money and a large technology tree that would be cool hopefully you guys have no trouble making the game, the way you want to. And put the stuff in that your planing on making because I would probably suck at making a rocketry game and I don’t know everything about coding
+3 4.8 years agoYou guys are amazing
+1 4.1 years agoGood luck, it may be hard but you can do it! You are the all powerful devs!
+1 4.3 years agoWhen @AndrewGarrison told us it’s a enormous update I imagine that there is going to be lots of new things like maybe weather that can interfere with your rockets so you have to launch on clear nights although it might kill phones and maybe a few more parts to make building easier or more hud options i don’t exactly know it’s probably be lots of cool things that are for the new mode like all types of new ways to get money and a large technology tree that would be cool hopefully you guys have no trouble making the game, the way you want to. And put the stuff in that your planing on making because I would probably suck at making a rocketry game and I don’t know everything about coding
3.5 years agoHow do I get the new shadows also I am IOS
4.1 years agoI have a name “ hellong
4.8 years ago