A couple of SR2 players asked me to add the SABRE into this list so I want to clarify something. With "Multiple air turborockets" I'm refering to turborockets and turboramjets. Also a LACE can fit this category.
A couple of SR2 players asked me to add the SABRE into this list so I want to clarify something. With "Multiple air turborockets" I'm refering to turborockets and turboramjets. Also a LACE can fit this category.
Please add ramjets and scramjets! The second is infinitely more complex, but would be nice to have it too! :)
This is what we need for Aviation in this game. RAM Jets and more Engine Nuzzles for Jet Engines
do it nowwwwwwwwww
Man I want this
Hey developers add this
@Majakalona its a ramjet.. but the fuel is SOLID
I can't see the solid ramjet cause that website is up for auction
@Frolonov wow this is great, i hope your ideas are implemented
Please add Metallic Hydrogen, Pulsed fusion, fragmented fission, Orion nuclear pulse drive and antimatter catalyzed fusion engines to the list :)
Yes please, I want to build hypersonic planes
It's so sad there are no Kerolox/Kerosene rocket/jet that can switch between space and atmosphere
There goes the reference for ramjet. As for turbo-rocket, it's only about changing fuel type in jet engine and allowing operation in vacuum. Hybrid rocket feels more about throttle control on solid booster, perhaps nozzle gimbal too. A gas-turbine power generator using rocket fuel would be attractive when compared to fuel cell in terms of power to weight ratio.
what about reciprocating ICE engines that can be mated to wheels or propellers like the electric motor? I'm thinking make them procedural as far as piston layout and number, and horsepower and torque
Junar sails, to add to the list of possibilities.
Scramjets can be good too, it can be used in high attitudes SSTOs because it can be more efficient than rocket motors
This would be awesome in addition to theorised engines if the future such as metallic hydrogen fuels and rockets that would use laser detonation in a combustion chamber as this will become a reality at some stage before the year 2100.
@Bwahahaest haha yes, and also nuclear FUEL TANKS. And also nuclear EXPLOSIONS.
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@pedro16797 are liquid fuel ram jets in the works along with the other 3 engines?
What about nuclear thermal jet engines?
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