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    the only one thing I want really badly on this game is working modules like a education mode where there are working hardwares and has something to do with researching things like planet observation modules / Radar observation modules / planet ground observation modules etc. And many other things
    These can actually make the game pretty fun and kinda cool also!
    What about a tech tree?

    +4 4.1 years ago
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    Gg mate 1 year ago i didnt see this much mods and stuff but now damn soo much has changed

    3.3 years ago
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    @Freouski sometimes not every time

    4.4 years ago
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    While creating a discription about your craft it will get glitched I mean you can write but you can't see what you were writing since the mobile typing board is blocking it there is just no way to see the later words of the discription it can only be seen while the rocket is uploaded which can bring blames to the creator of the rocket for typing something stupid this is a craft of mine where this glitch happened


    4.4 years ago
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    Any idea of adding pre-made shuttle cockpit and ssto cockpit? Also some lag fixes for mobile?

    4.4 years ago