I might do some requests as I make a lot of satterlites without rockets. Also would you test the satterlites deployment systems? And will you do Juno orbits.
@Thebapi @sentinelaerospace @CASXA @Chtite451SR2 @Staticalliam7 i’m sorry guys but I have decided to work on something else. I might make more capsules in the future but cargo rockets and missions are more my kinda thing. Soz u guys.
Great idea! I know my school probably wouldn’t but you should ask as educating others about space would be awesome!
4.0 years agoSometimes the engines are two powerful or you need to make sure the tail has no fuel in. That usually works for me
4.0 years agoThis game is a lot more costomisable although when KSP 2 comes out I will definitely buy it
4.0 years agoU using rocket engines or jet engines? Because one problem is that maybe the selected rocket fuel in the tank is wrong. Can u upload the craft?
4.0 years ago@SmurfResearchX Sorry but it is probably coming tommorrow
4.0 years agoYep it’s probably not coming today as it can barely make it to the moon so I’m gonna have to do some changing
4.0 years ago@CaliskanAerospaceINC I will check it out
4.0 years ago@CaliskanAerospaceINC ? Only on crafts
4.0 years agoThis is a better example https://www.simplerockets.com/c/6Wnc6s/Inertial-Upper-Stage-Kind-Of-Real-Size
4.0 years agoWhen coming out?
4.0 years agoI might do some requests as I make a lot of satterlites without rockets. Also would you test the satterlites deployment systems? And will you do Juno orbits.
4.0 years agoNnnnoooooo I misssed it! because of time zones noooo
4.0 years ago@NebulaSpaceAgency ok interesting
4.0 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace I am not capable of going to tydos and I focus on trying to get to Mars, droo’s moons and orbital missions.
4.0 years ago@Arstotzka I meant what kind of rocket like a replica.
4.0 years ago@NebulaSpaceAgency I have restarted loads I look in my physics settings but I’m pretty sur W that I have them on high
4.0 years agoThis has also happened on Luna
4.0 years ago@Arstotzka Good idea
4.0 years ago@CrownedBird6422 Yup figured it out
4.0 years agoLOL
4.0 years agoI have updated but don’t have the planets, new launch pad or the comet and moons but i only have the parts
4.0 years ago@Agoston2008 it’s out!
4.0 years agoIt’s on App Store!
4.0 years agoYyyyyeeeeesssee! Mobile beta is out!
4.0 years ago@Agoston2008 my question exactly
4.0 years ago@NebulaSpaceAgency Oh ok
4.0 years ago@Chtite451SR2 3 I don’t know if the crew made it unbalanced as the none crewed tests were successful
4.0 years ago@Vedhaspace tanks I’m trying to make some kind of rocket plane
4.1 years ago@Natedoge @Vedhaspace I’m really sorry you guys.
4.1 years ago@Natedoge @Vedhaspace I might do some replicas in the future but I am working on something else at the moment.
4.1 years ago@Thebapi @sentinelaerospace @CASXA @Chtite451SR2 @Staticalliam7 i’m sorry guys but I have decided to work on something else. I might make more capsules in the future but cargo rockets and missions are more my kinda thing. Soz u guys.
4.1 years ago@Arstotzka K
4.1 years ago@Arstotzka Lol I have uploaded the rocket now it is fixed
4.1 years ago@Arstotzka wait i so it’s not in the App Store yet?
4.1 years agoGSpace will fix this design error before the rocket is made public.
4.1 years ago@AndrewGarrison It still doesn’t say beta is out
4.1 years agoI shall continue but won’t be doing my replicas it was this or those so I will make the cargo version as it is easy .
4.1 years ago@Chtite451SR2 I don’t know which letters or what language
4.1 years ago@AndrewGarrison it isn’t showing up on app store
4.1 years ago@KaustavSpace Any thing that flys like a helicopter or a plane I’m not gonna be good at is there a rocket
4.1 years ago@KaustavSpace Planes not my strong point soz
4.1 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Lol
4.1 years ago@Chtite451SR2 I can’t get the language
4.1 years agoSo will do an Atlas 5 and try and do something with interiors. The atlas will be done when I find some good pictures
4.1 years ago@Natedoge I will try but although I have done command pods I’m not the best at interiors
4.1 years ago@CASXA @sentinelaerospace @Thebapi to be honest I’m hoping I don’t get 2 more. Lol
4.1 years ago@CASXA @Vedhaspace I do require good up close detailed pictures so I can get the most detail out of a rocket
4.1 years agoI need five people to comment yes to continue
4.1 years ago@Tweedle_Aerospace Yeh that’s true because I have this app called addons for mods on minecraft
4.1 years ago@Insanity Oh ok thanks
4.1 years ago