The HydroLOX has less density so it requires more tank volume to hold the same mass of fuel that a
smaller tank of KeroLOX could hold. A larger tank results in more mass so the deltaV is usually less than that of a KeroLOX burning rocket.
@OldCoach Not on the forums pages, up near the simplerockets2 logo at the very top of the page it may appear when you press the blue square with three lines in it or you may just be able to see it depending on your device.
You can use Unity to import the SR2 Modding tools. Once they are imported their should be a Simple Rockets 2 button click on it and then click on create mod. From there I have no Idea what to do but there are a bunch of things in the package that you can try out.
You can teleport anywhere where that there is already a location before launch. To make locations you press the key set for making locations, this will make a place that you can teleport to at the location of your craft. To check what that key is, go to the control settings and scroll to the bottom. I am pretty sure you can't teleport to either of the gas giants surface because whenever I got close to either one of them my craft exploded and a message saying I flew to close came up. Flying into the gas giants is not very entertaining unfortunately.
The HydroLOX has less density so it requires more tank volume to hold the same mass of fuel that a
+4 5.8 years agosmaller tank of KeroLOX could hold. A larger tank results in more mass so the deltaV is usually less than that of a KeroLOX burning rocket.
They are not on the roadmap but there is a suggestion in the suggestions section.
+2 5.2 years ago@PhilipTarpley Is it possible that their could be landing gear with more than two wheels per set in future betas or updates
+2 5.7 years ago@OldCoach I think you meant @yopo
+1 5.4 years ago@OldCoach Not on the forums pages, up near the simplerockets2 logo at the very top of the page it may appear when you press the blue square with three lines in it or you may just be able to see it depending on your device.
+1 5.5 years agoYou can use Unity to import the SR2 Modding tools. Once they are imported their should be a Simple Rockets 2 button click on it and then click on create mod. From there I have no Idea what to do but there are a bunch of things in the package that you can try out.
+1 5.8 years agoThis suggestion is already in the suggestions section.
4.8 years agoThis should be in the feedback suggestions section not the forums suggestions section I think.
5.3 years ago@Insanity Is it possible to make a mod like KSP's transfer window planner mod?
5.3 years ago@Bmcclory The rocket does not need to be huge if you know when the transfer window is but I cannot find anything about that for simplerockets2.
5.3 years agoI just made it to Urados by building a huge rocket with a very small probe. The first time I made it there I used 18 km/s of deltaV.
5.3 years ago@CasualCrusade I think the craft would still be in perpetual motion even if you changed the buoyancy.
5.3 years ago@AstronautPlanes really, do you have the location saved? If so could you post a sandbox with a craft near it?
5.4 years ago@OldCoach at the top near the "sandboxes".
5.5 years ago@OldCoach press the stuff button, then go to suggestions, then press new suggestion.
5.5 years agoI already suggested ramjets a few months ago.
5.7 years ago@Pilot98 read the command pod blog post.
5.8 years ago@PlanesofJundroo on windows 10 using steam, it is This PC/ Local Disk/ Program Files (x86)/ Steam/ steamapps/ common/ SimpleRockets2.
5.8 years ago@pedro16797 that's what I thought.
5.8 years ago@pedro16797 there is already a file called mod tools in the program files.
5.8 years agoBut then it wouldn't be stock.
5.8 years ago@pedro16797 thanks.
5.9 years ago@PlanesofJundroo how do you get to the dev console?
5.9 years agoThe post says it uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
5.9 years agoYou can teleport anywhere where that there is already a location before launch. To make locations you press the key set for making locations, this will make a place that you can teleport to at the location of your craft. To check what that key is, go to the control settings and scroll to the bottom. I am pretty sure you can't teleport to either of the gas giants surface because whenever I got close to either one of them my craft exploded and a message saying I flew to close came up. Flying into the gas giants is not very entertaining unfortunately.
5.9 years ago