@GreatBritishAerospaceOff Foxtrott is missing 2800 points that's roughly 190 up votes.. together we might manage to get him there if we up vote every single craft!
@GreatBritishAerospaceOff what's crazy is that all the top players Like KirRu or DasX are playing on a phone like not even a laptop but on a phone!! BTW I don't think the devs have designed a 100k badge but if someone gets really close I think they'd Make it look really cool
@OrionAerospaceTech ... what? probably inflatable i just did some research (in theory this thing in terms of size, volume, and power should be able to be used for the irl Artemis lander) and since the SLS block 1b Cargo fairing is big enough i might not make it inflatable. Also its for a crew of 5-10 so quite the beast, ill upload a Cargo only lander in the next days with a rover but thats much smaller
@OrionAerospaceTech Wo ive settled for a design which will be Semi inflatable and it wil be called LUNAX Lander but i really like Blue moons so for the sake of it illrecreate Blue moon too and One other one
Uhh build a space station module: Great to improve game understanding(especially textures!) Oh and you will definitely get better I mean look at my first craft it was horrible! also what helps most is looking at other people crafts that aren't like crazy better but better so you can learn from them step by step😃
@OrionTechnologies National Teams lunar lander is not blue moons lander i think at lesst i saw different renders anyway If you want to use my module ypure welcome to do so(Without Credit even i dont really care that much) Or you can take a look on how i did it and copy that!
@OrionTechnologies so ill make 4 designs (3 if youre making one) one thats going to be From astrum y one thats similar to BOs designs one thats like the one from Dynetics and potentially the national team one(or northrop Grumman which i like more)
@OrionTechnologies Right so the contract is for a lunar lander capable of landing from an orbit of 750km max and should be able to land 50 to 100 tons on the lunar surface and needs to be relatively compact.
@VectronTechnologies That happened 20 years ago.. And in my opinion it doesnt really "exist" anymore(that is in the west, asia is messed up as a whole anyway sooo)
It's not that hard to make an SSTO basically it's a single stage rocket which is very easy but a space plane it a bit harder but not much harder. Just make a fighter plane(well maybe more of a Concorde type sort of sleek and pointy but it needs to hold cargo) and just add a cool section beneath the wings (or above) and/or onto the fuselage. on these sections add rocket engines (additional to the plane engines if you have some but usually the rocket engines if used efficiently can bring you all the way to the verge of space we're you just increase the throttle and orbit)
@Toinkove That still was one of the MOST Important parts they've done this only once before Not like with falcon where it's routine. Plus Loosing starship considering it was v 2 is disappointing but not necessarily unexpected . I mean it would've just exploded in the ocean but spacex couldn't gather Data from reentry wich was the actual primary goal of IFT 7
@PeriodicAerospace Thanks you're about to reach 2k too!
3 hours ago@GreatBritishAerospaceOff Foxtrott is missing 2800 points that's roughly 190 up votes.. together we might manage to get him there if we up vote every single craft!
3 days ago@GreatBritishAerospaceOff what's crazy is that all the top players Like KirRu or DasX are playing on a phone like not even a laptop but on a phone!! BTW I don't think the devs have designed a 100k badge but if someone gets really close I think they'd Make it look really cool
3 days ago@OrionAerospaceTech no actually before i was talking about a cargo lander which i will build too but theres no contracts for that!
5 days ago@OrionAerospaceTech To the moon ofc
5 days ago@OrionAerospaceTech ... what? probably inflatable i just did some research (in theory this thing in terms of size, volume, and power should be able to be used for the irl Artemis lander) and since the SLS block 1b Cargo fairing is big enough i might not make it inflatable. Also its for a crew of 5-10 so quite the beast, ill upload a Cargo only lander in the next days with a rover but thats much smaller
5 days ago@OrionAerospaceTech Wo ive settled for a design which will be Semi inflatable and it wil be called LUNAX Lander but i really like Blue moons so for the sake of it illrecreate Blue moon too and One other one
5 days ago@esax also congrats on 1k
6 days ago@esax I think you blocked me
6 days ago@14ROVI how do i install xml. mods tho bcuz there is no mod folder
11 days ago@Spacesailors123643 I don't make cockpits I make capsules (well generally only space related stuff oh and sorry if I was a bit rude before)
+1 12 days agoUhh build a space station module: Great to improve game understanding(especially textures!) Oh and you will definitely get better I mean look at my first craft it was horrible! also what helps most is looking at other people crafts that aren't like crazy better but better so you can learn from them step by step😃
12 days ago@Spacesailors123643 I mean i dont need interior plus i probably can make better ones then you
12 days agoSo a Crew transportation Vehicle would be nice!! (Just a possibly reusable Craft to transport 5-10 Droonauts to a space station)!
13 days ago@OrionTechnologies National Teams lunar lander is not blue moons lander i think at lesst i saw different renders anyway If you want to use my module ypure welcome to do so(Without Credit even i dont really care that much) Or you can take a look on how i did it and copy that!
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies Yeah i more or less completely based it off astro aerospaces one (In terms of size and design) and ill make a full module soon!
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies so ill make 4 designs (3 if youre making one) one thats going to be From astrum y one thats similar to BOs designs one thats like the one from Dynetics and potentially the national team one(or northrop Grumman which i like more)
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies Well its not a clps contract its meant for a rip off artemis basically
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies So SN7 is basically a ripoff starship and Capsule is just gping to be a capsule!
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies Why CLPS its supposed to be a Versatile lunar lander Sort of like the ones presented for artemis
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies 5 to 10 tons not 100 sry
14 days ago@OrionTechnologies Right so the contract is for a lunar lander capable of landing from an orbit of 750km max and should be able to land 50 to 100 tons on the lunar surface and needs to be relatively compact.
15 days ago@OrionTechnologies no thats happening tommorow
15 days ago@VectronTechnologies That happened 20 years ago.. And in my opinion it doesnt really "exist" anymore(that is in the west, asia is messed up as a whole anyway sooo)
21 days ago@Boredplanet11 lol this was 7 months ago 😂
21 days agoOr its physics range
21 days agodude you cant acces the link
26 days agoan inflatable space station module
one month ago@Einstein100 Dude 120m seams a bit talk thats 450 feet abd the original ones are like 45 meters/150 feet
one month agoSo you just want Space Shuttle srbs?
one month agoBut i mean im working on the taiyang shen right now so..
one month agoI mean i can get u a booster that looks like the one in the sls renders
one month ago@InherentUnstable thats unnecessarily adding complexity, and is rarely or actually never usefull
one month agoIt's not that hard to make an SSTO basically it's a single stage rocket which is very easy but a space plane it a bit harder but not much harder. Just make a fighter plane(well maybe more of a Concorde type sort of sleek and pointy but it needs to hold cargo) and just add a cool section beneath the wings (or above) and/or onto the fuselage. on these sections add rocket engines (additional to the plane engines if you have some but usually the rocket engines if used efficiently can bring you all the way to the verge of space we're you just increase the throttle and orbit)
one month ago@InherentUnstable well the game is somewhat barebones but still – its better then KSP especially in terms of realism
one month agoCongrats on 11k!!! that was some fast growth, I mean it wasn't too long ago that you hit 10k
one month agooh nvm you did mention the movie
one month agoThere's a movie too and it's one of the rare cases we're the movie beats the book!
one month ago@Toinkove I never said it was the plan for it to be destroyed
one month ago@Toinkove it was not the "plan" but it wasn't something shocking Like it's the 7th time it flew. So please stop twisting my words
one month ago@Toinkove That still was one of the MOST Important parts they've done this only once before Not like with falcon where it's routine. Plus Loosing starship considering it was v 2 is disappointing but not necessarily unexpected . I mean it would've just exploded in the ocean but spacex couldn't gather Data from reentry wich was the actual primary goal of IFT 7
one month ago@Toinkove the payload was just Simulators but you're right it was dissappinting seeing it disintegrate.
one month ago@Einstein100 oh whatever suits you best for testing the limits of your rocket (Heliocentric orbit Would be cool if you'd manage)
one month agoYou can fly the OMLV Satellite wich should fit: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/z7p5Nh/Omega-Multipurpose-Satellite-OMPS-V-1
one month agolol
one month agodoes this work
one month ago!
one month ago!(https://www.simplerockets.com/Content/presskit/SimpleRockets-Logo.png)
one month ago![]https://www.simplerockets.com/Content/presskit/SimpleRockets-Logo.png
one month ago