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    :) <- I just always opt for this

    6.7 years ago
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    Thanks @MrTaco and @Caveman999. Caveman, feel free to link to this as well.

    6.7 years ago
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    Yes fully agree, and thanks for the mention. I noticed an uptick of "kidos" filling the form, and I heard the cries of a thousand invested long-time users. I hope this post gets through to them. Here the new Offical Unoffical FAQ to answer all those questions w/o a specific blog post

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    @Caveman999 There are also a few things Andrew has said in comments/replies that I tried to combine into The Offical Unoffical FAQ Ill probably make an updated version as this one is about 2 months old.

    6.7 years ago
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    Its an idea for the future, but no solid plans set. Check the FAQ and other similar post for similar questions

    6.7 years ago
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    @tsampoy these will be added. Feel free to read some comments on Andrews blog where he answers a lot of similar "will this be added" questions

    6.7 years ago
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    @MrNarwhal35 There are several user made servers that can be found in the forms. Most are under a "company" or "nation" name and participate in role-play with other servers in large UN type scenarios. Here is a link to the server I run. Much less political and more build quality driven.

    6.8 years ago
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    @DrCoconut1245 Heres what we know as a community:
    - No mentions of a com system (I doubt it, as it seems to take away from "Simple")
    - No confirmation on launching with docked docking ports, but I imagine so (or something similar), as Andrew has also mentioned being able to be able to do a returnable SpaceX-esc mission. This would also confirm a probe core type object
    - see this video for all current visuals
    - There will eventually be a career mode to earn money, but no mention of a science mode similar to KSP
    - There will always be Easter eggs ;)
    - Unsure of terrain uniqueness, but I imagine it will be around KSP or slightly less. We don't know a whole lot

    If I missed something anyone feel free to correct me

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness Yeah thats something that could add some more realism, at what I'm guessing, is a minimal computing cost (?) Try putting it on the UserVoice Site. I'd say its a good chance of getting it remembered for future updates.

    6.8 years ago
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    I'd recommend reading this. TLDR, no news of animation changing, so assume you won't be able to. You will be able to change size (see link). There will also be static panels (flat with surface of body its attached to), however this was just by a mention by Andrew when asked, and no specifics are given.

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    I think it's a new visual rank 75-100

    6.8 years ago
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    @ZeleninIvan multiplayer confirmed not to be added. Programming that stuff is slot harder than you think, and they're on a tight schedule as it is. Also Andrew has said no weapons, as it's an exploration game, however you'll be able to mod them.

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    clever with the F1 reference @AndrewGarrison :P It also reminded me of the old unused engine sprite from SR. Really impressed with the modeling. Do you guys have any way to accept donations yet?

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    i doubt it. They keep mentioning how the time tables keep slipping. I've just learned to check into the site every few days to keep interest, but focus on other things while development on this game is going on the in background. That way, each piece of news is great, no matter how small

    +4 6.8 years ago
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    @WeSeekANARCHY @Venus i think the steam post was early last week. And im sure they go by monday of their own time zone. I THINK they are based in western US, based on andrew's post times (correct me if im wrong) so monday is still a day away

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 haha yes. Might have to mod in some RTGs so solar panels don't detract from the look. Or a giant solar charging station! :D

    6.8 years ago
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    @iLikeipads if sr1 and sp dont have console ports, it is very unlikely sr2 will have one

    6.8 years ago
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    @NazyaMilitare @Marsisclose the full release, yes. Early release on steam (pc mac) is still aimed for this summer.

    6.8 years ago
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    Try making some actual content? One doesn't simple "deserve" points

    6.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Im going yo have to agree with @Chancey21 . So many posts there are either way out of the games scope, already been confirmed to be in, or already confirmed to be not in. I don't know how you would sort through all the those to get anything of worth without getting frustrated. Hats off to you if you do that though. :P

    6.8 years ago
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    Hmm.. I think if you were just trying to rank up like that, you might not deserve it. Also I don't think we needed to know this in general. Sorry kiddo :(

    6.8 years ago
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    @Chancey21 cool thanks

    6.8 years ago
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    @Rexy sounds great!

    6.8 years ago
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    @Rexy I really hope @andrewgarrison sees this. For joining less than 24 hours ago, you bring some amazing ideas to the table. Though I doubt it will be implimented by the time the first main release is out, as their schedule keeps slipping, I hope its atleast seen by devs. Id be interested in trying to mod this function in once possible.

    6.8 years ago
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    There will no doubt be bug patches, but they haven't made clear what the plan is after full release since it's so far off. My guess is there will be a few content updates, as SR1 has had a few, along with SP having a few more than SR1

    6.8 years ago
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    @Rexy I was not aware it could be that simple! That's actually pretty amazing and this form post should get more upvotes for it. I'd encourage you to build a mockup program (nothing fancy, just text) and log time between calculations as a proof of concept.

    6.8 years ago
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    I love this idea! However i feel that yes, it might be too much for ingame. Also calculations ingame with all those variables might be too much for the average players' computer to run well. I think the best solution would have an external program generate a part with thrust and efficiency vars (and whatever others ones will be in sr2) from a more complicated set up.

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    @MrTaco yeah for sure. This group will tend to try and stay out of politics as a whole, but individuals are free to do whatever

    6.8 years ago
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    There will be no car motors for rover wheels @MrTaco @Caveman999 . Instead there will be bateries and electric power. Last we heard on AGs was 6, and 2 "physical" ones were in the video in form of switches. Andrew did say however that he wanted more than SP. As for Early release, they said they "want to aim for summer but they are known to slip" so im guessing at worst aug/sep

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 All in!

    6.8 years ago
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    I know it's a bit preemptive, but might as well get some ideas going before the game comes out

    6.8 years ago
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    @MrNarwhal35 if I know one thing about games like these, designs will never be final before the game comes out ;)

    6.8 years ago
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    Just unofically joined as an ally (check the linked blog post). Not sure what all the rules are of these companies/nations, but I'm interested, so count me in

    6.8 years ago
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    I would like to submit F.I.N.E Co. (Future Is Now Engineering Company) as an ally to your cause. Not officially created yet, but I'll work on it in the coming hours

    6.8 years ago
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    I agree with @MrTaco, but I'd also like to see a less intense option for mobile users

    6.8 years ago
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    @DrCoconut1245 I think it's less about making the parts (except the 3d models. Props to whoever is making those they're amazing) and more about the actual system that interprets the xml files to make it most efficient and flexible for new parts

    6.8 years ago
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    @SuperSix yes well look at it this way; pc/mac based bugs tend to be easier/faster to squash than all devices combined, so a great final product will be done faster for you to enjoy

    6.8 years ago
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    @SpaceX4Life but you gotta realize this game is way more in-depth and waaayyy more work is being put into it. Not to belittle SFS, (I own the full version and enjoy it) but a game by one person that is using default unity buttons doesn't really compare to something being built by an amazing dev team like jundroo. Also it's a team putting in months (years? Original concepts came out a long time ago) of work, they need to make a living.

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @iLikeipads strange... You see how it's under your name though?

    6.8 years ago
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    @iLikeipads "We are sticking to Steam for Early Access to minimize overhead so we can develop features as fast as possible." -Andrew. Sorry man :(

    6.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison ah it seems so obvious now. Thanks :)

    6.8 years ago
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    @MrTaco thanks very much :)

    6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 yes, however I left most repeated things from blog posts out. Thanks though :)
    Here's the trailer

    6.8 years ago
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    if someone could point me to a page describing how to put in blue links, pictures, and formatted text, I will be forever grateful! :)

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @Irg4you I don't know how much you know about programming, but single player and multiplayer are two very different ballgames. Not only do you run into performance issues like @RockyRoad59 mentioned, and optimizing that is a pain, but you also have to BUILD it in the first place, which requires other experienced workers, and building the right foundation for a game, and a whole list of things.

    The devs at jundroo listen, and I imagine they would want to add all the ideas that they see and like. But the truth is that this is a job. People's living comes from this. Time is already against the team, and trying to take on too much could mean more sacrifice from them than they already give.

    You don't deserve this game, no one does. These people are putting out an amazing product for an amazing price. Be thankful, not disrespectful.

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    @DrCoconut1245 steam only, so PC mac only :(

    6.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison at 30sec into the promo (gui feature) what do the blue and yellow percentages in the bottom middle pertain to? Also what do the two switches to the right pertain to?
    Looks amazing!

    6.8 years ago
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    @MrTaco @Chancey21 haha I know, but the more people know the better. As long as he doesn't get more upvotes than me :P

    6.8 years ago
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    @TheW4terDrop earlier in the comments, Andrew talks about it.

    6.8 years ago
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    Space x was not responsible for the loss of the classified mission, it was the builders of the the payload adapter (who I cannot think of the name of). Also I appreciate your clean language ;p

    6.8 years ago