@CloakPin For some reason, my guns simply stopped working normally and with a single hit they leave burns on adjacent parts when they should be aimed strictly at the beam
In some ways you may be right... I already realized that two guns have no place next to each other, but when I made one I realized that nothing had changed. The whole point is thermal damage, which shouldn’t happen. Since I created a very very thin beam and exhaust scale 1E+08 With nozzle size 0.05 I tried to change everything around and redid a lot, but it still causes damage around itself and not just strictly with the beam
@Toinkove Even when the rotators are immobilized, they do not hold the part at speed. And the part simply falls off. The problem is mainly related to the poor strength of the rotator connection and its non-static operation
Set up the gyroscope.
+1 9 months ago@CloakPin For some reason, my guns simply stopped working normally and with a single hit they leave burns on adjacent parts when they should be aimed strictly at the beam
9 months agoIn some ways you may be right... I already realized that two guns have no place next to each other, but when I made one I realized that nothing had changed. The whole point is thermal damage, which shouldn’t happen. Since I created a very very thin beam and exhaust scale 1E+08 With nozzle size 0.05 I tried to change everything around and redid a lot, but it still causes damage around itself and not just strictly with the beam
9 months ago@Toinkove Perhaps I will definitely check your speculations)
9 months ago@CloakPin yes(
9 months ago@Toinkove Even when the rotators are immobilized, they do not hold the part at speed. And the part simply falls off. The problem is mainly related to the poor strength of the rotator connection and its non-static operation
9 months ago