The Soyuz spacecraft is hidden under the fairing of the rocket and everyone knows this, first the astronauts pass through a special door on the fairing and get into the ship through the hatch into the Orbital Module and sit down in the Descent Module
For example, my walking machine, when you press and hold the keys, the program starts as a while loop, and when you release the keys, the program is interrupted correctly
@NoIDontWanna I found the reason for Auto-roll, if you turn on the Wing Vector in the game, I see that the rear-left and front-right wings have no lift, because of this I have problems with control
The second photo reminds me of a bird
+2 5.3 years agoThank dude!
+1 4.7 years agoWut?
+1 4.7 years agoPreviously, there was a career mode, but it was not working and it was cut for better times
+1 4.8 years ago@plane918273645 It's too late to redo it, and it will take another week to redo it, so I'll leave it as it is
+1 4.9 years agoI can only tell you how to insert a screenshot right here: 
+1 4.9 years agoI agree, but in my opinion it is not logical to leave the ship and fly to the station on a jetpack
Edit: Looks like I made a duplicate suggestion
+1 5.0 years ago@Vanillavehcompany Тоже на русском. Это пока ещё не окончательный вариант, буду потихоньку дорабатывать!
+1 5.0 years agoI came here from the SimplePlanes game. After the first video trailer, I followed the development until the game was released in early access
2.9 years agoSuch an suggestion has long been added
2.9 years agoThe Soyuz spacecraft is hidden under the fairing of the rocket and everyone knows this, first the astronauts pass through a special door on the fairing and get into the ship through the hatch into the Orbital Module and sit down in the Descent Module
3.6 years ago@tsampoy Just remembered that I was creating chaos in this game
4.0 years agoAfter a long time playing Universal Sandbox 2
4.0 years agoДа, на 102%
4.3 years ago2 years ago the release in early access!
4.3 years ago@Remedy31 In the left panel you find a "magnifying glass", in the list of parts on the right will be "Eye", that's the x-ray
4.6 years agoIn fact, this base can do nothing more than move and dig, since many things are not implemented in the game
4.6 years agoIs it a volcano?
4.8 years agoThis anomaly appeared only once, during the second takeoff, there was no anomaly, I did not inform the developer about the bugs
4.8 years ago@CursedGriefer "DEV" This is developer
4.9 years agoFor example, my walking machine, when you press and hold the keys, the program starts as a while loop, and when you release the keys, the program is interrupted correctly
4.9 years agoUnderstood, the question can be considered closed
4.9 years ago@PointBreak You can show another example, but without variables
4.9 years ago@PointBreak Could you tell me more about it?
4.9 years agoIn the part settings there is a Tinker Panel and there you can remove the mass to 0%
4.9 years agoDocking for me long been commonplace
5.0 years agoMost of the fuselage is made of Structural Panels
5.0 years ago@KraZIvan The interior is not planned yet
5.0 years agoСамолёт окончательно дорабатывается и скоро будет на сайте в двух модификациях
The aircraft is being finalized and will soon be available on the site in two versions
5.0 years ago@NoIDontWanna Aah, i should have done that: (Set variable (Pitch) to (Pitch - 1)). Thank, everything worked, the issue is resolved
5.1 years ago@NoIDontWanna
5.1 years ago(Set variable itch to variable pitch - 1) That's not clear to me/
5.3 years ago@Insanity Yes!
5.3 years ago@NoIDontWanna I threw the craft through the USB to Android, nothing should change, the physics settings are the same as the PC and Android
5.3 years ago@NoIDontWanna I found the reason for Auto-roll, if you turn on the Wing Vector in the game, I see that the rear-left and front-right wings have no lift, because of this I have problems with control
5.3 years agoAlcoholic rocket)) (I do not recommend drinking it)
5.3 years agoYou got to the Emeralds
5.3 years agoWhat is this version of SimpleRockets 2, you can link
5.3 years agoОдин
5.3 years ago