Go in to your profile, select account management. Then go to Profile picture section and select gravatar. From there you will be redirected to the gravatar site, if you don't have a gravatar account, set one up using the email you used to set up the SR2 account.
I thought it through SP(Simple Planet)1 (1st confirfirmed planet) 2 (for the 2 devs who discovered the planet) 8(idk i thougjt it would just fit in) nexus- sounded pretty cool.
Ingenuity was a phenomenal helicopter, and hopefully more crafts like Ingenuity will follow in its footsteps.
+3 1.2 years agoCan't see the image
+2 5.3 years agoWOO
4.3 years ago@Subnerdica it's an example of how to create a clickable link
5.1 years ago@Mod I'm still working on it, it's not completed yet.
5.1 years ago@Kell it's not the same as the KSP style of side mount paraschuts. I think it's still a good idea.
5.2 years agoGo in to your profile, select account management. Then go to Profile picture section and select gravatar. From there you will be redirected to the gravatar site, if you don't have a gravatar account, set one up using the email you used to set up the SR2 account.
5.3 years agoI'm use to sp, but I'm trying something new and different from what I'm use to.
5.3 years agoIts possible, but very time consuming also it requires trial and error
5.3 years agoAlso clickable link
5.3 years agoSounds interesting
5.3 years agoCould help with making a automated rocket launch.
5.3 years agoInteresting
5.3 years ago@Mod link expired
5.3 years agoI'm going to say this again.
SP-281 Nexus
5.3 years agoLol, I seen most of these XD
5.9 years agoThat is so cool. Now people cam make Space stations. Is there docking parts as well (like on the ISS to dock the space capsules/ shuttles to)?
7.1 years agoThat is actually interesting. To get mor indepth to physics here
7.1 years ago@AtlasSP judging that this is in the game kts possible.
7.2 years agoI thought it through SP(Simple Planet)1 (1st confirfirmed planet) 2 (for the 2 devs who discovered the planet) 8(idk i thougjt it would just fit in) nexus- sounded pretty cool.
7.2 years agoSP-281 Nexus
7.2 years agoWhat are the types of payload and vehicles will be available in SR2??
7.2 years agoCan't wait for the mobile version.
7.3 years ago