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    The new models look absolutely SICK
    So, when is Aero effect VR out? ;)

    +3 6.0 years ago
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    Don’t mention the word "real" too many times because I'm the type of dude who will end up trying to make SR2 a molecular-based physic engine XD (I like realism a lot)
    Anyway here you go:

    +3 6.2 years ago
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    here are some some xml values in
    <Config />
    massScale="Number": multiplier for the final part's weight WARNING: the fuel weight is multiplied, but not it's volume
    partScale="Vector3": this is for resizing ANY parts in the x, y and z axis
    <Engine />
    electricalConsumption="Number": how much battery the engine consumes (like ion engines)
    fuelConsumption="Number": how much of the specified fuel the engine consumes
    fuelConsumptionScale="Number": multiplies the fuel consumption and thrust
    gimbalRange="Number": multiplies the maxGimbalAngle
    maxGimbalAngle="Number": the angle (in degrees) the engine can tilt
    maxTorque="Number": the force the engine applies to tilt itself (can be affected by massScale)
    seaLevelEfficiency="Number": I'm not sure for this one, but because of the atmosphere, engines are a little less efficient at sea level, they reach their maximum potential in space
    supportsWarpBurn="Bool": if set to true (false by default, except for the ion engine) allows the engine to work while performing a time warp
    thrust="Number": sets the force (in Newtons Kg/m/s2) of the engine
    vacuumEfficiency="Number": I guess this one is the opposite of seaLevelEfficiency, the maximum potential of the engine in space, should work as a multiplier of thrust
    inspectorEnabled="Bool": I have no idea for this one

    for the smoke part, I don't know either, but it's probably located in the SolarSystem>default

    +3 6.2 years ago
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    There’s a folder for subassemblies in something like
    Users>[your user name]>%appdata%>LocalLow>Jundroo>SimpleRockets2>UserData>Subassemblies
    And if you want to add a part, be sure to specify in the code the location of your subassembly (so if you build an engine, you can put it in the propulsion tab) and in the SimpleRockets2>GameData>Parts>Icons put a thumbnail with the name corresponding to your subassembly

    However for the stock part, I don’t know yet

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    How could we miss that?

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    me trying to find "these engines" in the XML editor...

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    Funny how I can recognize so easily SP players here :)

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    Didn’t even remember that comment

    5.5 years ago
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    The eyes are already modeled :)

    6.0 years ago
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    I should’ve said Christmas instead

    6.0 years ago
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    just tested out the bell size...

    and the particle emitter...
    now I feel like we're back in december

    6.0 years ago
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    First, when you’re a beta tester, you must test a beta and the reward to this is to get the game earlier than everyone.
    This isn’t the case in this scenario because not only you get the game earlier, you get it for free and you may not even report bugs. That is without mentioning that you won’t have to pay for the game once it’s released since you already downloaded it...

    Second thing, the goal in my post wasn’t to reduce the price of the game with constraints, but to make everyone have a mobile app without paying for the game on computer and mobile

    6.1 years ago
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    why for a limited time?

    6.1 years ago
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    I won’t
    I only tried to imagine a way to make one app instead of two while the players can enjoy it without buying the game twice

    6.1 years ago
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    No, I meant that SR2 would be a free download equivalent of the website and in this app you can buy the mobile version of SR2 as a DLC
    But people don't seem to appreciate this idea so it doesn't matter

    6.1 years ago
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    If you're into XML, you have a lot of decimals

    6.1 years ago
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    Here's the whole document
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Settings xmlVersion="4" numberOfApplicationRuns="68" appVersionLastRun="" gameStateId="5eb3ac87-b3db-4e86-b039-5f48eecb58c8">
    <User x="6f92dd31-060b-418f-ac3a-146139b39430" />
    <Notifications showWhatsNew="true">
    <Notification name="PlayLaunchCraft" />
    <Notification name="PlayBuildCraft" />
    <EnabledMod name="Overload" version="0.1" lastUpdated="2019-02-01T21:48:26.6652024Z" path="C:\Users\Vincent\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\Mods\Overload.Windows.sr2-mod" />
    <WorkshopMods />
    <Audio masterVolume="1" musicVolume="0.5" soundVolume="1" />
    <Designer angleSnap="15" gridSize="1" autoResize="true" showGizmos="true" showAttachPoints="true" tinkerPanelEnabled="true" optimizeCraftXML="true" />
    <Flight showNavSphere="false" showNavSphereinMapView="false" re-EntryHeatDamage="true" ambientLightAtNight="1" ambientLightInSpace="1" slow-MoSpeed="5" fastForwardSpeed="5" visibleInputSliders="SLIDER 1,SLIDER 2,THROTTLE,BRAKE," />
    <General userInterfaceSize="0.9" fieldofView="70" runInBackground="false" useDirectInput="false" supportUnknownGamepadsOnAndroid="true" />
    <Display resolution="1920x1080@60" resolutionScale="Full" fullscreen="true" vSync="true" anti-Aliasing="MSAA4" />
    <Atmosphere preset="Custom" planets="High" terrain="High" crafts="High" />
    <Craft preset="Custom" reflections="Static" detailTextures="High" normalMaps="High" />
    <ImageEffects preset="Custom" enabled="true" sunFlareIntensity="1" bloomIntensity="1" contrast="1" saturation="0" sharpness="0" reEntry-VaporTrails="On" />
    <Physics preset="Custom" updateFrequency="Ultra" fPSSpikeReduction="Default" waterPhysics="High" rag-dollPhysics="High" partLiftForces="true" />
    <Shadows preset="Medium" />
    <Terrain preset="Custom" textures="Blended" planetCubemaps="High" lighting="PBR" geometricDetail="High" lodDistance="5" />
    <VisualEffects preset="Custom" heatDistortion="Off" cameraShake="true" launchSteam="true" tireTracks="Medium" explosions="High" mainMenuSun="Low" />
    <Water preset="Custom" transparency="true" textureQuality="Blended" reflections="CraftAndTerrain" />

    6.1 years ago
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    It gave me an interesting... problem?
    Well first of all, the "edit XML" button doesn't show up :(
    I tried to launch SR2 with and without Steam, relaunch both of them, quadruple-checked the XML file, and even copy pasted my path (and added overload.windows.sr2-mod)
    But isn't that just weird that instead of putting the line of code inside of <EnabledMods />, we have to change it for an open/close tag? however nobody seemed to have problems.
    Second thing is the lowercase. I mean, why would you do this in the first place? Wouldn't the file read it differently? Nobody seems to have issues with that and you Specifically said that it had to be in lowercase.
    As I was thinking of that, I tried to save another set of settings and expected to see the XML file to remove the line. But instead, it correctly capitalized by itself the path!
    Still, the button doesn't show up.

    6.1 years ago
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    look out for alien easter egg

    6.2 years ago
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    That... sigh wasn’t the purpose

    6.2 years ago
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    Yes but...

    6.2 years ago
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    Did you just import a 3d model in SimpleRockets or import the xml in 3ds max?

    6.2 years ago
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    but parachutes are already there!

    6.2 years ago
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    Ok so I was searching for the same property for quite long too XD
    Hi, what can I do for you?
    Notice that even if I learned HTML, CSS, some JavaScript, a lot of Lua and XML, I’ve never done a mod before.
    So what’s your mod going to be about exactly?

    6.2 years ago
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    I agree, Tires size and rim diameter should be independant

    6.2 years ago
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    I'll be honest, I don't know what plume means
    English is not my first langauge
    I tried to find the smoke effect too, but I found nothing
    I searched in the planets, the spawn locations, the game state, the flight state... nope.
    But yeah, I'm interested in your proposition. I already started to convert Droo into Earth :)

    6.2 years ago
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    I thought I was the first to build one (,:

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    @deokil1108 Already planning to build the Saturn V
    ; )

    7.1 years ago