I play SR2 on IOS, But I also got the game on Steam recently for the main purpose of Planet Studio. I’ve always wanted to make my own Launch Complex. Now I can.
@Secondartilleryforce Didn’t you take into account that he could have done that by accident? Quite frankly, I would have never known it was there unless someone said something.
@TweedleAerospace I had a post, Then I deleted it. The satellite was trash. I’m working on rockets and new satellites now. That post was from a long time ago, I think about a year ago.
@iSpace Is the launch of Gamma still on track for this month? How many launches will it take to fully assemble Gamma? Is Beta Heavy still on track for its Demo mission this month?
You can’t really change the minds of others. Sure, some creations are not the best, but others are complete masterpieces and some people spend months on them. I think what really needs to be done is a rework of the search system.
@iSpace WenCTSHop? What type of flight will you do with prototypes for CTS? Will there be a “Starhopper” like prototype or maybe a SN5/6 150 meter hop prototype? Suborbital flights to 10-50Km? And will boosters do a similar development path to the ship? Doing small hops then higher hops.
@iSpace How many boosters where built for Infinite 7 Block 5? Where some “reused” or no? What will happen to the booster or boosters of Infinite 7? Also, are Infinite 8 or the iOne gonna come back and be used for commercial payloads?
@iSpace Will Gamma-1 be launched by Beta Heavy or just a normal Beta? It looks a bit to heavy for a normal Beta to launch without expending the booster.
@iSpace Uploading 4 crafts in under an hour is not like you. Plus, your crafts are original and epic.
+3 3.8 years ago@iSpace Will the Block 4 Beta be released after this launch?
+2 3.8 years ago@iSpace @TweedleAerospace It will also help increase the amount of community stations/sandboxes
+2 3.9 years ago@ISX Good luck with your future endeavors, God speed!
+1 3.3 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Ah, Ok.
+1 3.7 years ago@TweedleAerospace I agree... Kinda saddening if you ask me.
+1 3.8 years ago@jrzspace No, it’s impossible to do that. You have to make a new game.
+1 3.8 years agoI play SR2 on IOS, But I also got the game on Steam recently for the main purpose of Planet Studio. I’ve always wanted to make my own Launch Complex. Now I can.
+1 3.8 years ago@iSpace What payloads are on this mission?
+1 3.9 years ago@iSpace Will you pursue a fully reusable rocket eventually and what will Beta Heavy look be? A triple core rocket or something bigger?
+1 4.1 years agoI think most of the images are missing
3.2 years ago@iSpace Are you going to release Beta with the Mobile Launch Platform?
3.3 years ago@iSpace I can't count to 10.
3.6 years ago@Secondartilleryforce Didn’t you take into account that he could have done that by accident? Quite frankly, I would have never known it was there unless someone said something.
3.6 years ago@TweedleAerospace Ok.
3.7 years ago@TweedleAerospace I can send you a rocket I made on Discord if you would like. Still working on getting it automated though.
3.7 years ago@TweedleAerospace I had a post, Then I deleted it. The satellite was trash. I’m working on rockets and new satellites now. That post was from a long time ago, I think about a year ago.
3.7 years ago@CASXA Thanks
3.7 years ago@CASXA There is?
3.7 years ago@IAAR2 @TweedleAerospace Can I join the Discord? I’ve been thinking of joining IAAR, But I’m bad at coding.
3.7 years ago@iSpace Ah, Ok.
3.8 years ago@Ctracerx2 Caught in 4K HD Lol
3.8 years ago@TweedleAerospace F
3.8 years ago@iSpace Is the launch of Gamma still on track for this month? How many launches will it take to fully assemble Gamma? Is Beta Heavy still on track for its Demo mission this month?
3.8 years ago@TweedleAerospace An hour to write this!?
3.8 years ago@TweedleAerospace New version of the Red Falcon?
3.8 years agoDisplay piece, It is over by the display stands.
3.8 years ago@TweedleAerospace Finally someone calls to get rid of Tertech and his other account iSpaceSecurity. They’ve been annoying me.
3.8 years agoEverything went wrong didn’t it. 🤣
3.9 years agoYou can’t really change the minds of others. Sure, some creations are not the best, but others are complete masterpieces and some people spend months on them. I think what really needs to be done is a rework of the search system.
3.9 years ago@TweedleAerospace Ohhh Ok, Thanks.
3.9 years ago@TweedleAerospace Quick question, What is IAAR?
3.9 years ago@iSpace Thanks for the amazing ride! Hope to fly with you again in the future! Congrats to the iSpace team for your amazing achievement!
3.9 years agoWhat’s funny is, I just realized yesterday that the command chip is named after the first name I gave it, and I never changed it. 🤣
3.9 years ago@SimpleRocketSpaceflight Ah ok, I was wondering if my satellite would be launched on this flight. The Hopesat is my satellite.
3.9 years ago@iSpace WenCTSHop? What type of flight will you do with prototypes for CTS? Will there be a “Starhopper” like prototype or maybe a SN5/6 150 meter hop prototype? Suborbital flights to 10-50Km? And will boosters do a similar development path to the ship? Doing small hops then higher hops.
3.9 years ago@iSpace WenHop?
3.9 years ago@TweedleAerospace Great idea!
3.9 years ago@iSpace What satellites and customers are on this launch?
3.9 years ago@AshtvinayakAerospace It will, May 8th is CS-1. This is May 12th.
3.9 years ago@iSpace Ah, Ok.
3.9 years ago@iSpace How many boosters where built for Infinite 7 Block 5? Where some “reused” or no? What will happen to the booster or boosters of Infinite 7? Also, are Infinite 8 or the iOne gonna come back and be used for commercial payloads?
3.9 years ago@iSpace Ah ok.
4.0 years ago@iSpace Will Gamma-1 be launched by Beta Heavy or just a normal Beta? It looks a bit to heavy for a normal Beta to launch without expending the booster.
4.0 years ago@MitusAreospace Same capsule, different rocket.
4.1 years ago@MitusAreospace last I heard, Beta will fly crew.
4.1 years ago@iSpace Can’t wait to see it! Will all 3 cores be landed? 2 on land and another at sea?
4.1 years agoOk.
4.3 years ago@ChaoticGraviton How close to finish is this?
4.3 years ago