I agree, it really gets o my nerves sometimes. Like I'm seeing with other space games on Google Play, the comments are mainly "Add X, like in KSP!"
Or "Do X, so it will ve more like KSP!". What is the point for developers to do anything then, when there is KSP? Like the game is fun and all, but we need some innovation! That's my opinion.
I agree, it really gets o my nerves sometimes. Like I'm seeing with other space games on Google Play, the comments are mainly "Add X, like in KSP!"
+1 7.1 years agoOr "Do X, so it will ve more like KSP!". What is the point for developers to do anything then, when there is KSP? Like the game is fun and all, but we need some innovation! That's my opinion.
Weird flex but -OH GOD LOOK AT THE 3D!
5.5 years ago-every mobile space sim now
6.3 years agoYEEAAAAAAH!
6.3 years agoI waited a god damn week for something I knew was gonna be added? *Slams table furiously
7.0 years ago@Sharandeep981 Do you even imagine how much processing power that would take?
7.0 years ago@ziyadghz You mean bombs?
7.0 years ago@AndrewGarrison Yeah boi!
7.0 years ago@Andrewtheplane 2nd quarter of the year
7.0 years ago@Andrewtheplane Q2 by devs
7.0 years agoI thought boats and submarines land on runways. WHY WASN'T I INFORMED!!!? MOM!?
7.0 years agoJuranus
7.1 years ago@AndrewGarrison Thanks!
7.1 years ago@RailfanEthan oh, thanks!
7.2 years ago@RailfanEthan How tho?
7.2 years ago