@MarkWatney personally, I can't speak for anyone else, but this may not be the best place for the only semi-related retelling of tbe adventures from the Martian. It would be funny if it was unique to the post, but they're not, at least not past "space". Not sure if I'm alone in this.
Like @MrTaco said, andrew has said in the past that this is an exploration game, and wont include weapons. However, there will be a modding program "better than SR modder" that will come out post release to make weapons yourself.
@LiamW i stand corrected thank you. Also andrew as mentioned making them way less over powered compared to SR1, so KsP levels might be what we have to look forward to
@LiamW you might be mistaken, as they arent that common. The only one i know of was one tested by NASA/airforce in 2013ish. But you are right, they are possible
Devs have mentioned it being a goal to run on a samsung galaxy s5, but most likely going to be at s6 range specs needed. Its running on the newer Unity Engine, so with all things concidered, around SP range
@Pikapilot there will be "warping" like in SR1 and KSP, where you can accelerate time on your given path, but there will not be an "instant velocity increase mode" to go anywhere.
@Pikapilot no plans for asteroids yet, so youre safe for now. However, even in an asteroid field, it would be very hard to be hit unless you aim for it. Theyre not as dense in real life as they are in movies
@Chancey21 Andrew has mentioned for sure wanting to add jet engines, and maybe props since there is a lot of support for it in the community. no idea when they will make their debuts
Current info we have on your questions.
Humans - post pre -release
Cargobays - confirmed for near future
Wings - Confirmed
Robotics - (pistons and rotators) Confirmed
@SovietUnion999 Andrew has mentioned a beta release somewhere in June, but warns that the schedule slips and nothing is official. since then hes joked about 3rd week of august being a release date, but again take that with a grain of salt, both as it is a joke, and schedule slips.
@EternalDarkness Andrew has mentioned adding a few jet engines, but has specifically said there will be no prop engines. My theory is that since air resistance is variable with altitude and body now, programming props might be hard to do accurately.
@Sharandeep981 hey man, I'm not looking to argue. I will say that the post you are referencing doesn't say anything about it being a Jupiter analog. Gas giants have very similar features. I wasn't clear however when I said "scaled" i meant similar physics, and not ones like SR1, not an entire recreation of OUR solar system.
Here's a quote by Andrew on the fairings post in relation to parts, which I extrapolate to be about the game as a whole: "We're trying to keep mass and price consistent with the real world and not scaled back."
@Sharandeep981 not exactly what that words means but I get it. Solar system WILL be generally scaled like our own (as far as current knowledge shows) but the other exact replica engines will have to be modded in.
Thanks for the link to the 2nd FAQ! I agree with what you say here, but the problem is, for as long as there are technically challenging games (where you have to play the tutorial to have fun later) there will be kiddies wanting it auto rendezvous to make everything easier. Not much can be done to stop them on the free web
@AndrewGarrison question on docking; When 2 ships are docked, will we have control of all connected RCS thruster/engines or control like in SR1 with only the current rocket?
@NerdsGalore thanks for the support. I think the main issue is several people don't even go to the original FAQ. We can only hope for a brighter future when it comes to people reading pre-existing info.
@MarkWatney personally, I can't speak for anyone else, but this may not be the best place for the only semi-related retelling of tbe adventures from the Martian. It would be funny if it was unique to the post, but they're not, at least not past "space". Not sure if I'm alone in this.
6.8 years ago@hidhach it looked like from the fairings post that there was a seperate detacher part
6.8 years agoAndrew has said they would if they could without draining resources, which unfortunetly they havnt found a way around yet
6.8 years agoAndrew has said no plans for resource collection at least in early release. Not sure if ever. I imagine you couod mod it though eventaully
6.8 years ago@Mod there was a blog post a few weeks back, check it out! :)
6.8 years ago@Champ9961 haha dont get too excited. Other posts have used it, but andrew jas said its a place holder
6.8 years agoLike @MrTaco said, andrew has said in the past that this is an exploration game, and wont include weapons. However, there will be a modding program "better than SR modder" that will come out post release to make weapons yourself.
6.8 years ago@CK10 yes, please read FAQ before asking a question
6.8 years ago@LiamW i stand corrected thank you. Also andrew as mentioned making them way less over powered compared to SR1, so KsP levels might be what we have to look forward to
6.8 years ago@LiamW you might be mistaken, as they arent that common. The only one i know of was one tested by NASA/airforce in 2013ish. But you are right, they are possible
6.8 years ago@Jerba I wouldn't think so. Why?
6.8 years ago@Jerba yes thats wrong. Fraud is based on "an attempt to impersonate someone" whether or not the name is exact.
6.8 years ago@Wadzworth929 he's said in the past it's just a place holder
6.8 years agoDevs have mentioned it being a goal to run on a samsung galaxy s5, but most likely going to be at s6 range specs needed. Its running on the newer Unity Engine, so with all things concidered, around SP range
6.8 years agofeel free to read blog threads and dev emails instead of complain :/ thats where they update people on scheduled and such
+4 6.8 years ago@Pikapilot there will be "warping" like in SR1 and KSP, where you can accelerate time on your given path, but there will not be an "instant velocity increase mode" to go anywhere.
+3 6.9 years ago@AN2Felllla not true, I've gotten my mods to work on IOS before for SR1. Try going through the sub Reddit and find how it was done, I forget
+1 6.9 years ago@Pikapilot weapons will not be in the game unless modded
6.9 years ago@Pikapilot no plans for asteroids yet, so youre safe for now. However, even in an asteroid field, it would be very hard to be hit unless you aim for it. Theyre not as dense in real life as they are in movies
6.9 years ago@XuB3 the first trailer released had a clip with 2 control wheels for x and z axis. no new information since
6.9 years ago@AndrewGarrison I see youre using the same "Sm-" naming scheme for planets and moons from SR1. Is this a place holder or official?
6.9 years ago@Chancey21 Andrew has mentioned for sure wanting to add jet engines, and maybe props since there is a lot of support for it in the community. no idea when they will make their debuts
6.9 years ago@MeowPilot
6.9 years agoCurrent info we have on your questions.
Humans - post pre -release
Cargobays - confirmed for near future
Wings - Confirmed
Robotics - (pistons and rotators) Confirmed
@45678 and @sammyplayzgaming. Moveable crew will not be in initial release of the game
6.9 years ago@Newplanewhodis those will have to be mods. Andrew has stated that this is an exploration game, not a fighting game.
6.9 years ago@Pikapilot there will not be
6.9 years agoLike the enthusiasm... not sure how far youll get on the whole "real job" thing tho... good luck
6.9 years ago@AndrewGarrison sounds good. I've also always wondered how you guys feel about users trying to answer repeat or simpler questions.
6.9 years ago@SovietUnion999 Andrew has mentioned a beta release somewhere in June, but warns that the schedule slips and nothing is official. since then hes joked about 3rd week of august being a release date, but again take that with a grain of salt, both as it is a joke, and schedule slips.
6.9 years ago@EternalDarkness Andrew has mentioned adding a few jet engines, but has specifically said there will be no prop engines. My theory is that since air resistance is variable with altitude and body now, programming props might be hard to do accurately.
6.9 years ago@GINGER01 The original promo video for SR2 had a similar system for 2 axis, but nothing recent has been said
6.9 years ago@DUENORTH phone betas will most likely not start until Nov - Dec this year. it sucks I know :(
+2 6.9 years ago@apfel33 yes, he has mentioned that SR1 ion engines were too OP, and SR2 ones will be more true to life and nerffed in comparison
6.9 years ago@Avro683Lancaster Andrew has said no
6.9 years agoThey are said to be, but they haven't been yet
6.9 years ago@iLikeipads it was mentioned in the docking blog post. Somethings don't get a post if they aren't "new" I imagine
+1 6.9 years ago@JPCHZ yes
+1 6.9 years ago@Sharandeep981 it's cool. I get it, we're all a bit antsy till this game comes out to see how things will be for sure :)
+1 6.9 years ago@AN2Felllla if that wasn't meant ironically, that's just kinda sad...
6.9 years ago@EagleFlyer the 2 games are built in 2 different engines. It would be like making the part from scratch even if you have the 3d models already done
6.9 years ago@Sharandeep981 hey man, I'm not looking to argue. I will say that the post you are referencing doesn't say anything about it being a Jupiter analog. Gas giants have very similar features. I wasn't clear however when I said "scaled" i meant similar physics, and not ones like SR1, not an entire recreation of OUR solar system.
Here's a quote by Andrew on the fairings post in relation to parts, which I extrapolate to be about the game as a whole: "We're trying to keep mass and price consistent with the real world and not scaled back."
6.9 years ago@Sharandeep981 not exactly what that words means but I get it. Solar system WILL be generally scaled like our own (as far as current knowledge shows) but the other exact replica engines will have to be modded in.
+1 6.9 years agoThanks for the link to the 2nd FAQ! I agree with what you say here, but the problem is, for as long as there are technically challenging games (where you have to play the tutorial to have fun later) there will be kiddies wanting it auto rendezvous to make everything easier. Not much can be done to stop them on the free web
+1 6.9 years ago@AndrewGarrison question on docking; When 2 ships are docked, will we have control of all connected RCS thruster/engines or control like in SR1 with only the current rocket?
+1 6.9 years ago@NerdsGalore thanks for the support. I think the main issue is several people don't even go to the original FAQ. We can only hope for a brighter future when it comes to people reading pre-existing info.
6.9 years ago@Sharandeep981 i think at this point, anything not already mentioned to be in the game will have to be modded in
6.9 years ago@nhan12341184 to answer your plane question, you could only through thrusters, as there is no air on the moon to fly in
6.9 years ago@EagleFlyer @nhan12341184 The answer is almost 100% no.
6.9 years ago@Ryn176 https://www.simplerockets.com/Forums/View/886/Please-add-this-to-Simple-Planes-too
6.9 years ago@Spikerya and @PriyanshuRoy the form post "Offical Unoffical FAQ" has answers to your questions
6.9 years ago