I would be interested in “Orbit Operations” or “Head of Interplanitary operations” if that’s ok. I’m going to try and finish my “Galileo” Series of fully reusable rockets. One version in testing can take 165,000Kg into low droo orbit fully stock, Ie- Good for space stations, and a hub to other planets like colonies on other worlds, as new planets are coming soon. And Career mode after that. I will let Tweedle use the rockets my in this. Only if you guys want tho :)
Almost done with my Lunar Base/Lander. Y’all are gonna like it.
4.3 years agoAre we planning to make a sandbox and share it between each other, or just make crafts?
4.3 years agoThanks! Do you Guys have a Discord?
4.3 years agoI would be interested in “Orbit Operations” or “Head of Interplanitary operations” if that’s ok. I’m going to try and finish my “Galileo” Series of fully reusable rockets. One version in testing can take 165,000Kg into low droo orbit fully stock, Ie- Good for space stations, and a hub to other planets like colonies on other worlds, as new planets are coming soon. And Career mode after that. I will let Tweedle use the rockets my in this. Only if you guys want tho :)
4.3 years agoI just angle normal landing legs. They seem to work, and look better than usual. See Galileo Superheavy Hopper for an example.
4.3 years agoHoly cow, that lava planet looks incredible!
4.3 years agod e t a i l
4.3 years ago“Beta Testing full”
4.4 years agoRip
4.4 years agoWow! I love this content. I don’t think I need a new logo now, but maybe in the future. Great job on this!
4.4 years agoThis.... Does put a smile on my face
evil thanos laughter
4.4 years agoLooks like a capsule at the very last frames, I have a still picture, but, the little rover looks like it has a cockpit sized down...
4.4 years agoOr at least the “S” of it
4.5 years agoLooks like simple Aerospace logo when the waves come down a bit. Any ideas?
4.5 years agoFarewell!
4.6 years agoWe will All miss you
Also, yes. I know that this not really a question, but nothing else fits the catigory. Unless I’m totally blind.....
4.6 years agoI know how to dock, it’s just about the magnets
4.6 years agoUse the arrow/mouse tool above the building icon in the designer. So many things can come from that. Also, yes. I’m on mobile.
4.8 years agoFlying wing really catches my attention
4.8 years agoInteresting....
4.8 years agoAsking for a partnership, or just employees?
4.8 years agoDepends on your device
4.8 years agoAwesome! Very realistic and good game. Stay inside everyone! Don’t be annoying and obey government orders. BEND THAT CURVE!!!!!!!!!
4.9 years agoJoin us, and together the SR2 community can rule ALL jundroo games
4.9 years agoMost FH are not as good as some of the other crafts here. Go ahead!
4.9 years agoYes
4.9 years agoWill Do!
4.9 years ago