go to settings > controls > other > open dev console > type in MLI > tap “EXECUTE” > tap “CLOSE” > play the game
this is no prank i’ve actually tested it
but you can’t make the craft have infinite fuel by default, you have to let the viewers know how to activate infinite fuel
i think @plane918273645 is correct, maybe rethink the truck and/or the booster. or you could try adding a maneuver thingy on the booster to manually direct the booster to the DSC or something
i’m not so sure about that, usually most teens and adults know science things like 299,792 kilometers per second. also it should be reasonable for the SR2 community to know a lot about speed and things
it requires infinite energy to reach 100% light speed, exceeding light speed would require a way to break the rules of the universe
that makes so much sense, i hope we figure out a way to detect exomoons soon because they’re way cooler (especially around gas planets) than boring exoplanets :/
i wasn’t really talking about how the spaceship would achieve 90% the speed of light, let’s just say that it was already happening (somehow) and ignoring how it got to the speed of light, and only focusing on the rendezvous and possibly docking
yo welcome my guy
3.3 years agocool
3.3 years agocool
3.3 years ago@sflanker
3.3 years agowhat i thought you couldn’t
when i activated infinite fuel, the error occurred on my side as well
3.3 years agoi can’t help you
3.3 years agomaybe redesign the aircraft
you could also set the texture to insulation, if you wanted
3.3 years agoyay! you corrected the feet to meters
3.3 years ago@Starborn
+1 3.3 years agoi would agree, it would be like that screen on star trek where you could see the front of the ship without using a window
you can’t
3.3 years agoonly the periapsis can be N/A
use black wing panels and put their heat shield to max
3.3 years agogo to settings > controls > other > open dev console > type in MLI > tap “EXECUTE” > tap “CLOSE” > play the game
+1 3.3 years agothis is no prank i’ve actually tested it
but you can’t make the craft have infinite fuel by default, you have to let the viewers know how to activate infinite fuel
3.3 years agoaww man
3.3 years agobut why does urados spin on its axis?
3.4 years agoohh it’s called a modifier?
do you mean feet or meters?
+1 3.4 years ago@Starborn
3.4 years agowell not a rope big enough to encircle droo :/
3.4 years agowhy not a shock? they absorb impacts pretty well in case the string has a seizure
3.4 years agolol
3.4 years agodoesn’t work
3.4 years agowait can pistons have free movement?
3.4 years agokeep the performance in mind, but i’ll “put a pin in that” if i have no other choice for a string
merchandise is pretty cool
3.4 years ago@Bibhab
3.4 years agobut you gotta follow me
3.4 years agomkay
3.4 years agoi tried using a shock and some hinges with a 90 degree offset in the y axis
3.4 years agoyea no there is no way to do it, there is no block or block combination to accomplish switching from airplane to rocket
3.4 years agow h y
3.4 years agoit’s also kinda your fault :c
3.4 years agoboth
3.4 years agofailure isn’t a compliment :/
3.4 years agowell…
you failed because you clicked this forum and it said please ignore this
you failed the test
3.4 years ago@Schaden
3.4 years agoit’s also probably that it is supposed to be a link
”I have notifications for this post turned off”
+1 3.4 years agoi haven’t noticed this software error yet, pretty sure
3.4 years agoi think @plane918273645 is correct, maybe rethink the truck and/or the booster. or you could try adding a maneuver thingy on the booster to manually direct the booster to the DSC or something
3.4 years ago@HorizonsTechnologies
3.4 years agoaccurate estimations!
3.4 years agoi’m not so sure about that, usually most teens and adults know science things like 299,792 kilometers per second. also it should be reasonable for the SR2 community to know a lot about speed and things
i made a link to Gozinya to help :)
3.4 years ago@Zenithspeed
3.4 years agoi highly doubt planned telescopes will detect any exomoons :c but definitely exoplanets
3.4 years agoeh that’s alright, i do it all the time lol
3.4 years agoit requires infinite energy to reach 100% light speed, exceeding light speed would require a way to break the rules of the universe
that makes so much sense, i hope we figure out a way to detect exomoons soon because they’re way cooler (especially around gas planets) than boring exoplanets :/
3.4 years ago@seventeen
3.4 years agoi don’t think i want know what a zoophile is 😬
3.4 years agoincorrect guess
why is the galaxy mostly of super-earths rather than normal exoplanets that are smol like mars or earth
3.4 years agoadd more room for the planets and make sure their SOI’s don’t intersect each other and increase the size of the SOI
3.4 years ago@Zenithspeed
3.4 years agoi wasn’t really talking about how the spaceship would achieve 90% the speed of light, let’s just say that it was already happening (somehow) and ignoring how it got to the speed of light, and only focusing on the rendezvous and possibly docking
i think both of them would go very well together
3.4 years ago