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    @Pedro I am not sure if you're talking to me but no. I don't use any mods. Just stock Juno on my PC/phone

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Pedro Ok I'm still a good bit confused about subassemblies and how fairings work. I'm coming from KSP & Space Flight Simulator. Why can't I assign some stock/downloaded vessels as subassemblies? It would help exploring other planets. Also the mission "Learning to fly" has too many checkpoints I think. Maybe drop it to 3-7? It's a long mission for that early in the game. This game is frankly amazing.

    Edit: Also it would be sweet to have a docking tutorial. I've tried finding tutorials for docking, but they're few & far between.

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Pedro Could you link to a tutorial for saving subassemblies and having them show in the engine section?

    21 hours ago
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    Would you guys consider adding an option to wings that let's them essentially "fan out" from the craft mid flight? Kind of like how solar panels unfold. It would make it a lot easier to make SSTO/Shuttle type craft and I know we have the technology.

    2 months ago
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    A cool idea for a future update is letting users save presets for engines/tanks that have been customized. Since the whole thing is procedural it kinda makes sense. Also more default engine types would be really sweet. You're THIS CLOSE to kerbal as far as default parts go. Maybe have a way to generate your own tech points similar to how KSPs research mode was. Where you can use certain objects/presets to generate science while you're exploring the solar system.

    Another neat feature would be letting custom worlds have their own milestones/achivements. It would add a lot of depth for the creators who want to show certain points of interest.

    2 months ago